An Axel test game used as a demo that uses many features of the framework that allows for new users to learn the framework by looking at fully featured code.
The source of Axelite Moon requires the following:
- [Axel]( Axel)
- [AS3 Tiled Reader]( AS3 Tiled Reader)
Simply drop their src folders into the same location. Alternatively, check them out into separate projects, and link their src folders to the Axelite Moon project.
The following is a list of systems that are planned for Axelite Moon. You can think of this as simply a dumping ground for as many random game systems as possible.
- TMX Parsing (Complete) - See [AS3 Tiled Reader]( AS3 Tiled Reader)
- Day Night Cycle (In Progress)
- Time/Date System (In Progress)
- Farming System
- Friendship System
- Action Battle System
- Achievement System
- Message Box System
- Map System