Game of Life

Implemenation of Conway's Game of Life cellular automaton with browser visualization.

Project for Functional Programming classes.

Project files can be found in game_of_life directory. hs-exercises contains some Haskell QuickCheck and HUnit exercises.

Running the project

To run the project, you'll need Elixir >= 1.4.0, Erlang >= 18.3, sbt >= 0.13.0, and NodeJS >= 5.0.0.

In game_of_life/backend directory:

$ mix do deps.get, compile
$ npm install

...then in game_of_life/frontend:

$ ./

...and back in game_of_life/backend:

$ iex -S mix phoenix.server

This command will open iex, Elixir interactive shell. Here you can start the visualization, e.g.:

## start the visualization
iex> GameOfLife.start GameOfLife.Examples.gosper_glider_gun, 100
## stop the visualization
iex> GameOfLife.stop

Now point you browser to localhost:4000 and enjoy the view :)

GameOfLife.start/2 accepts two arguments: the first one is a description of initial automaton board - this is the return value of every function from GameOfLife.Examples module; the second one is a time between automaton transitions in milliseconds.