
HTTP file upload service using Raxx library in Elixir

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Example HTTP file upload application using Raxx library in Elixir.


First you need to compile and start the service (it runs on Elixir v1.6+):

mix deps.get
iex -S mix

By default the server will listen on port 8080, although you can change that in config/config.exs by setting :upload.:port configuration value.


Generate some sample data :

seq 1 100000 | while read i ; do echo "line $1 : foo bar baz basho" >> /tmp/upload.garbage.txt ; done

You can upload files via curl:

curl -X PUT http://localhost:8080/uploads/garbage.txt --data-binary @/tmp/upload.garbage.txt

If you look at the logs in console you'll see something like this:


13:46:20.823 module=Upload.UploadService function=handle_data/2 pid=<0.374.0> [debug] Received 1460 byte chunk of data

13:46:20.824 module=Upload.UploadService function=handle_data/2 pid=<0.374.0> [debug] Received 1460 byte chunk of data

13:46:20.824 module=Upload.UploadService function=handle_data/2 pid=<0.374.0> [debug] Received 10 byte chunk of data

13:46:20.824 module=Upload.UploadService function=handle_tail/2 pid=<0.374.0> [debug] Upload completed

13:46:20.825 module=Raxx.Logger function=log_response/2 pid=<0.374.0> [info]  Sent 204 in 1670ms

By default uploaded files will be placed in uploads directory in the root of the repository. You can change that by modifying :upload.:uploads_dir configuration value.

Now that a file is uploaded, go and see if it's the same as the original! I recommned uploading pictures, e.g. this one.


You can download files by providing the same name you've used when uploading it:

curl http://localhost:8080/uploads/garbage.txt -O

(You'll get error 404 if the file with the given name hasn't been uploaded yet).

If you look at the logs again:

13:53:52.402 module=Upload.DownloadService function=handle_info/2 pid=<0.391.0> [debug] Sending 5000 byte chunk of data

13:53:52.402 module=Upload.DownloadService function=handle_info/2 pid=<0.391.0> [debug] Sending 5000 byte chunk of data

13:53:52.402 module=Upload.DownloadService function=handle_info/2 pid=<0.391.0> [debug] Sending 2898 byte chunk of data

13:53:52.402 module=Upload.DownloadService function=handle_info/2 pid=<0.391.0> [debug] Download completed

By default file is read and sent in chunks of 5000 bytes. You can change this number by modifying :upload.:download_chunk_size configuration variable.


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