Foreign-Event load tests

Starting the environment

Just docker-compose up in the root directory. This starts 3 MongooseIM nodes, 3 Amoc nodes, 1 InfluxDB and 1 Grafana container. Grafana dashboard can be accessed at localhost:3000.


MongooseIM nodes are configured to run with mim domain. Their hostnames and container names are: mim-1, mim-2 and mim-3. Node names are mongooseim@$HOSTNAME. Each of them exposes has its 5222 port exposed to host machine (5222, 5223 and 5224 respectively).


There are three amoc containers amoc-control, amoc-1 and amoc-2 (these are also their hostnames). Node names are amoc@$HOSTNAME. amoc-control is inteded to be Amoc master node.

Running the load test

$ docker-compose up # set up environment
$ ./     # register users
$ ./       # upload a one_to_one.erl scenario
$ docker exec -it amoc-control /home/amoc/amoc/bin/amoc remote_console # get into Amoc master node console
erl> amoc_dist:do(one_to_one, 0, 9999)  %% start the scenario

You can view the metrics at localhost:3000