
ESP32 MJPEG Multiclient Streaming Server

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

ESP32 MJPEG Multiclient Streaming Server

This is a simple MJPEG streaming webserver implemented for AI-Thinker ESP32-CAM or ESP-EYE modules.

This is tested to work with VLC and Blynk video widget.

This version uses FreeRTOS tasks to enable streaming to up to 10 connected clients

Inspired by and based on this Instructable: $9 RTSP Video Streamer Using the ESP32-CAM Board

Full story: https://www.hackster.io/anatoli-arkhipenko/multi-client-mjpeg-streaming-from-esp32-47768f

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ESP32 MJPEG streaming server servicing multiple clients (FreeRTOS based):


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