The streamer is a websocket based service that serves a a bridge between internal or external clients and Kafka channels. For example, a beam service can write to a specific channel, to be read by a client outside the Kubernetes cluster.
The streamer is WIP, breaking changes might occur!
The streamer uses a very simple application level protocol on top of websockets. After a client is connected to the websocket, it sends a single message to subscribe to channels. In order to unsubscribe or change the channels, the connection has to be closed and remade.
An example initialization message:
{"token": <account token>,
"service": "metrics",
"components": [
[<aid>, <cid>]
The service key describes the channel prefix. If the given token is valid for ALL <aid>s, OK is returned, all given metrics.<aid>.<cid> messages are forwarded to the client.
If the formatting is wrong, Invalid Input is returned and the websocket is closed. If token is not valid for a given account Invalid Token For Account <aid> is returned and the websocket is closed.