KTTerm is a terminal emulator for Kindle Touch device. It is based on the GTK+ terminal emulator widget - VTE.
KTTerm supports standard -e
option (available in all (?) terminal emulators), which can be used
to specify the program and its command line arguments to be run in the KTTerm window. If this
option is not given, the standard command line interpreter /bin/sh
is launched.
$ ktterm -h
usage: ktterm [options] [-e CMD [ args ]]
-K use build-in Kindle keyboard
-R DIR use DIR as a resources directory
-e CMD run command with its arguments
-f run in the full-screen mode
-r use reversed color palette
-s NB set terminal font size to NB
- toggle full-screen modeFn
- switch between portrait and landscape modeFn
+plus (+)
- increase font sizeFn
+minus (-)
- decrease font sizeFn
- restore font size
These functions are available only with the build-in keyboard.
It is possible to hide/show keyboard by the tap-and-hold action on the upper-right corner of the KTTerm window. This action is available for build-in and Kindle on-board keyboard.
$ autoreconf --install
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ export KINDLE_ROOTDIR=<absolute_patch_to_the_Kindle_root_directory>
$ ../configure --enable-kindle-env --host=armv7a-softfp-linux-gnueabi
$ make
Note: Enabling Kindle development environment during configuration requires static libraries for json-c and VTE. It is possible to compile KTTerm using standard configuration, however such an action might produce executable incompatible with libraries available on Kindle.
Note²: It is possible to link KTTerm against a proprietary lipc library using --with-lipc
flag during configuration. Otherwise, shell wrapper will be used instead.
- Kterm - terminal emulator for Kindle Touch and Paperwhite