
A small test for recognizing persons with a word2vec model in German

Primary LanguagePython

Named Entities and Word Representations

This code was created for an experiment to try recognizing German nouns that can refer to persons by their proximity to a class of named entities in a word representation. This is giving a small tutorial how to reproduce this experiment. You find the theoretical insights in the uploaded pdf file. I am assuming a basic understanding of Python and the command line. This experiment was done on Ubuntu 14.04, and I do not know how reproducable it is on other OS. You do need at least 2GB of RAM to run this experiment, even though it is much more convenient with a a lot more.

Required Software

You will have to install some software, unless you already have it.

Clone this Repository

Since you are using github I'm assuming you have git installed. Open your terminal and go to the folder where you want to install the repository.

git clone this_sites_url

Stanford's Named Entity Recognition

This is the weak point. Stanford's NER takes an aweful lot of memory (about 1000 times the input files size). Download from the following site the Named Entity Recognizer and also the German classifiers from further below.


Follow the instructions there, which is basically unpacking it to some folder where you find it later on.

Google's word2vec

This is a nice piece of software, but read the whole paragraph before you start installing. You find everything you need here


To follow their instructions you would need Apache's Subversion (svn). If you do not have it you might just try to download the files by hand. You do not have to run the demo scripts, but it is nice.

gensim (Python API for word2vec)

I hope you have pip, then you can just type

$ pip install --upgrade gensim    

Otherwise I suggest you install pip or you check out this page


Downloading the Data

The experiment worked with the Gutenberg Corpus. To download all German books (about 500MB) type

$ wget -t inf -o log -w 2 -m -H "http://www.gutenberg.org/robot/harvest?filetypes[]=txt&langs[]=de"

This is actually not too much data. If you feel like writing another preprocessing script, you can also download the newest German Wikipedia dump from


Running the Experiment

Cleaning the Data

With this repository you downloaded some scripts. Run the script to strip the headers and footers of Project Gutenberg and concatenate all zip files into one text file. The output will be saved in a file gutenberg_corpus.txt in the same folder where the Gutenberg corpus is located (if you did not rename it its called www.gutenberg.lib.md.us/)

$ ./gutenberg.py www.gutenberg.lib.md.us/

Creating the Input for word2vec

The repository also contains a script that is running the Stanford NER with the German classifier. You might want to open it and give it more memory. Note that you will probably have to split the Gutenberg Corpus into chunks of about 1/1000 the size of your memory to run this script and concatenate the outcome together. This is a nice practice in Python for you. On each chunk you can run

$ ./path/to/stanfordNER/ner-ger.sh www.gutenberg.lib.md.us/gutenberg_corpus_chunk1.txt > output_file1

Once you are done concatenating everything back together, you can use the following script to convert this text to be read by word2vec (converting umlauts, stripping of unknown characters, lowercasing)

$ ./NER-to-w2v.py input_file > output_file

Running word2vec with Parameters

Now you can create your own binary word representation with word2vec (for an explanation of the variables see their homepage). Here are two different parameter settings to play with:

$ time ./word2vec -train /media/arkadi/arkadis_ext/NLP_data/Rammis_gutenberg/gutenberg_corpus_ner_real_clean.txt -output guten.bin -skipgram 10 -size 300 -window 5 -negative 0 -hs 1 -sample 1e-4 -threads 2 -binary 1 -save-vocab defull-vocab.txt > guten.bin
Vocab size: 262369
Words in train file: 71619017
Alpha: 0.000005  Progress: 100.00%  Words/thread/sec: 52.51k  
real	70m43.637s
user	113m49.045s
sys	0m26.959s

$ time ./word2vec -train /media/arkadi/arkadis_ext/NLP_data/Rammis_gutenberg/gutenberg_corpus_ner_real_clean.txt -output guten_neg10.bin -skipgram 10 -size 300 -window 10 -negative 10 -hs 1 -sample 1e-3 -threads 2 -binary 1 -save-vocab defull-vocab.txt > guten_neg10.bin
Vocab size: 262369
Words in train file: 71619017
Alpha: 0.000005  Progress: 100.00%  Words/thread/sec: 20.70k  
real	168m32.287s
user	288m13.476s
sys	0m44.350s

Playing around!

You are finally done with creating your binary word representations?! Start python, or ipython and play!

from gensim.models import word2vec
model = word2vec.Word2Vec.load_word2vec_format('path/to/your/binary_word_repr', binary=True)
model.most_similar(positive=['koenig', 'frau'], negative=['mann'])
model.most_similar(positive=['nertagiper'], negative=[])
model.doesnt_match(['nertagiper', 'nertagiloc', 'nertagimisc'])
model.similarity('nertagiper', 'student')
model.similarity('nertagiloc', 'haus')
model.similarity('nertagimisc', 'nation')

To play around you might as well alter the text file test_set by adding new lines with a word and a tag. Then run

python similarities.py --model /path/to/your/binary_word_repr --test /path/to/your/test_file

What does this actually mean? It means you can compare nouns for their similarity to the person, location and miscellanious tags to to which the might refer.

A first evaluation with the given test set

word person location misc match
polizist 0.10749246 0.01489580 0.03354150 TP
student 0.20737271 0.02934145 0.04367834 TP
lehrer 0.12964790 -0.12548146 -0.01557306 TP
lehrerin 0.08681190 -0.08561248 -0.04076674 TP
gott 0.15922870 -0.01843374 -0.08631332 FP
baum -0.06563630 -0.05539430 -0.05834422 TN
haus 0.06055429 0.16598518 -0.07558561 TN
gross -0.08251506 -0.05296010 -0.01279388 TN
klein 0.01614168 -0.02968299 -0.06549737 FP
nation -0.12702281 0.02772727 0.22280701 TN
staat -0.02131612 -0.00057563 0.07930892 TN
land -0.01411605 0.30458365 0.06202623 TN
erde -0.00483644 0.07872798 -0.01798863 TN
kind 0.07643456 0.00363171 -0.07258882 TP
mensch 0.00071798 -0.12818525 -0.07854126 TP
mann 0.22271588 0.03623078 0.02678832 TP
frau 0.37619667 0.05319752 0.02605344 TP
hund 0.10778271 -0.08325005 -0.08226270 FP
katze 0.02991319 -0.04702012 -0.04696872 FP
maus 0.01681365 0.00533434 0.01775033 TN
schnell 0.10562476 0.03038920 -0.03581870 FP
langsam 0.02893238 -0.06661929 -0.02774489 FP
leicht -0.02133644 -0.09002297 -0.05527122 FP
er 0.39979196 0.12971292 -0.02913975 TP
sie 0.30369458 0.07522399 0.01552288 TP
es 0.15317690 0.04054807 -0.01511156 FP
kreativ -0.08148986 -0.09344466 0.03209482 TN
sehr 0.08762989 -0.02305989 0.02555214 FP
morgen 0.14761052 0.11134531 -0.06228537 FP
Recall 100.000
Precision 50.000
F-score 66.667