
LINE Login demo Application

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is LINE-Login demo application.

This application gets Token from LINE Platform and just displays username and profile-picture url.

how to run

  1. make channel
  2. set callback URL
  3. set CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to .env file
  4. ./gradlew bootRun


state is used to prevent CSRF. We should verify that the state sent to the user is the same as the state received from the LINE Platform.

see: https://github.com/arkuchy/LINE-Login-demo/blob/main/src/main/kotlin/com/example/login/controller/LoginController.kt#L44


nonce is used to prevent replay attacks. We should verify that the nonce sent to the user is the same as the nonce in IdToken received from the LINE Platform.

There's a chance of replay attacks when we use implicit flow(deprecated), or send to token from client to server, or etc.


code_verifier, code_challenge, and code_challenge_method are used to prevent code injection. We should do the following:

  1. generate random as code_verifier
  2. generate code_challenge from code_verifier with code_challenge_method
  3. send authorization request with code_challenge and code_challenge_method
  4. token request with code_verifier

then authorization server(not ourselves) verify code_verifier.

see: https://github.com/arkuchy/LINE-Login-demo/blob/main/src/main/kotlin/com/example/login/controller/LoginController.kt#L48
