Meme Messenger


Python 3.6+

Node.js 6.11+


Installing libraries:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ npm install -g bower
$ bower install

Setting up Google OAuth for the server:

Follow this guide (just the basic steps section) by Google for setting up OAuth for Google+

In your Authorized JavaScript origins put: http://[your application ip/domain]:[port]

In your Authorized redirect URIs put: http://[your application ip/domain]:[port] and http://[your application ip/domain]:[port]/auth/authorized

Use the Client ID and Client secret from that page in your server's configuration file

Setting up a Reddit account for the server:

Create a Reddit account

Navigate to the app setup page and create an app that is a script with a redirect uri that is your application's base uri

Add your client id (under "personal use script"), secret, and Reddit username to the configuration file

Configuring the server:

Copy the app.cfg.template file and rename it to app.cfg

Enter the app.cfg file in your favorite editor and change these settings to configure the server

Setting name Details
SERVER_NAME URL the server is to run on in format [ip]:[port], defaults to localhost:8080
DEBUG Flag to enable or disable Flask debug mode, more details here, defaults to False, do not set to True in a production environment
SECRET_KEY Secret key for the Flask application, needed for sessions to keep users logged in, look here for details on sessions and generating your secret key
GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENTID The Client ID provided to you from the Google OAuth client credential manager, required for the application
GOOGLE_OAUTH_SECRET The Client secret provided to you from the Google OAuth client credential manager
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI The location of the database for the application, defaults to an SQLite3 database in the base directory called "meme.db"
SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS Toggle weather or not SQLAlchemy will detect modifications on objects and emit signals for a change, defaults to False as it is not needed for the application
REDDIT_CLIENT_ID The client id given for the Reddit account used to search for random memes
REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET The secret given for the Reddit account used to search for random memes
REDDIT_USERNAME the username for the Reddit account used to search for random memes, do not include the '/u/'

Extra configuration settings for libraries used can be found here:



Initializing the database schema:

The database schema is automatically generated off of the models in the file, run

$ python3 #or just `python` depending on how you have python set up on your system

Running the server:

in the base directory, run

$ export #only first time in that terminal session
$ flask run



$ python3
  • Python 3.6
  • Flask

Contact Info:

Laura King -

Adam Kuhn -

Mackenzie Bowe -

Bill Tarr -

Melissa Laskowski -