
Quizzical App. Solution to a Scrimba challenge

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Made with HTML, CSS, TypeScript, ReactJS, styled-components, react-router, redux-toolkit
Bootstrapped with Create React App

GitHub last commit GitHub

🖼 Screenshotsℹ️ About⚙️ Tools🔨 How to Build Project📁 File Structure

📦 NPM Packages worth mentioning💡 Details🔗 Useful resources👤 Author

🖼 Screenshots

ℹ️ About

This is a solo challenge "Quizzical" from Scrimba React Course (link).

The challenge is to create from scratch a Quizzical application.

API: https://opentdb.com/api_config.php

I made my own Figma prototype and redesigned the whole application.

Figma prototype: https://www.figma.com/file/0SIScG6N67cgfIvsY5cQng/Quizzical-App

⚙️ Tools

  • HTML5
    • ReactJS
  • CSS
    • styled-components
  • TypeScript
    • ReactJS
    • Redux
    • Redux Toolkit
  • NodeJS
  • Create React App
  • Github Pages

🔨 Build project

Command Description
npm install Installs required npm packages. Run it before building the project
npm start Starts a local web server with HMR (Hot Module Replacement) for development
npm run predeploy Builds the project, and outputs to the folder ./build

📁 File Structure

├── 📁 docs                   Additional information, documentation 
│   └── 📁 results            Screenshots of how the application works after being fully developed
├── 📁 public                 Static assets: images, icons, favicons, index.html
├── 📁 src                            Source files needed for application development
│   ├── 📁 app                        Hooks for work with Redux store (Redux toolkit)
│   ├── 📁 assets                     Static assets, referred to in src
│   ├── 📁 components                 React components
|   |   └── 📁 Component Name
|   |       ├── 📝 index.tsx          Component logic
|   |       ├── 📝 index.styled.tsx   Component styles
|   |       └── 📝 index.types.tsx    Component types (optional)
│   ├── 📁 features                   Redux slices (Redux toolkit)
│   ├── 📁 pages                      React page components
|   |   └── 📁 Page Name
|   |       ├── 📝 index.tsx          Page logic
|   |       ├── 📝 index.styled.tsx   Page styles
|   |       └── 📝 index.types.tsx    Page types (optional)
│   ├── 📁 styles                     Global styles
│   ├── 📝 App.tsx                    App React component
│   ├── 📝 index.tsx                  Entry point for the module bundler
│   └── 📝 react-app-env.d.ts         Some Typescript stuff for Create React App
├── 📝 .gitignore             Instructions for Git about what files to ignore
├── 📝 LICENSE                MIT License. Basically you can do whatever you want with the code
├── 📝 README.md              Project description
├── 📝 package-lock.json      Keeps track of the exact version of every package that is installed
├── 📝 package.json           Various metadata relevant to the project, scripts, dependencies
└── 📝 tsconfig.json          TypeScript configuration file

📦 NPM Packages worth mentioning

react-detect-offline Used it to display a component that is shown only when the user is offline
react-loading-skeleton Used it to show skeletons while fetching new data
react-toastify Used it to display notifications that disappear over time
react-outside-click-handler Used it to close options list in select component when clicking outside
@reduxjs/toolkit, react-redux Used them to store state in one place
react-router-dom Used it to route user between pages

💡 Details

My first ReactJS project with Create React App.

  • First time using Redux, Redux toolkit
  • Made custom select components
  • Made a custom modal window (React Portal). Changing settings will change query params for API
  • Made API requests using RTK Query
  • Custom skeleton components. They rely on a react-loading-skeleton library
  • Made routing with React Router

This was quite a big project. The description is quite short, but well... I spent about 2 weeks on this project, and it wasn't easy at all.

🔗 Useful resources

👤 Author