Yggdrasil network auto config for public peers, under Windows
How it works:
- Attempts to download peers from Neil's json file. If can't, attempt it from github zip. If can't, attempt txt file maintained by DomesticMoth.
- Convert peers addr into plain txt from found format and parse it, then pings. Produces list of peers in peer_c.lst and its response times in peer_r.lst. Unavialable ones considered 10000 ping. Only tls:// ipv4 used.
- Packs them into array and sort it. First N records is written as head+mid+tail file formula. Template pre-configuration required. Modify files cfg_head.txt and cfg_tail.txt to match your yggdrasil.conf
Note: most antivirals does falsepositive aggro at chainspawned downloading processes such as curl. Make sure the thing placed in exclusions.