
Ruby code project

Primary LanguageRuby

Checkout Implementation

This is a ruby implementation that allows to create a checkout and calculate a final price, the checkout takes in account products in a basket and pricing rules defined by the users.


Download the project and run bundle install inside the project folder. You can use this app from irb console, run the following commands

  require_relative "lib/checkout"

or, you can add to your project and require the rb files from lib directory.

    require_relative "../lib/product"
    require_relative "../lib/checkout"
    require_relative "../lib/pricing_rule"
    require_relative "../lib/bogof_rule"
    require_relative "../lib/percentage_discount_rule"
    require_relative "../lib/price_discount_rule"


For use, you have two options

  • From IRB or code, using the available classes:
# create products
product_1 = Product.new("GR1", "Green tea", 3.11)
product_2 = Product.new("SR1", "Strawberries", 5.00)
product_3 = Product.new("CF1", "Coffee", 11.23)

# create rules
rule_1 = BogofRule.new(product_1)
rule_2 = PriceDiscountRule.new(product_2, {min_quantity: 3, new_price: 4.50})
rule_3 = PercentageDiscountRule.new(product_3, {min_quantity: 3, percentage: (2/3)})
pricing_rules = [rule_1, rule_2, rule_3]

# create checkout and scan products
checkout = Checkout.new(pricing_rules)

# get the total
  • Using a little interface from main.rb file, run the following commands
chmod u+x ./bin/main.rb

You will see a interface like this:

----------------------------------- WELCOME TO CHECKOUT APP -----------------------------------
1. Create products.
2. Create pricing rule.
3. Create checkout.
4. exit.

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  bin/rspec --format doc
