This library allows to the user define an article object with recommendations data, and then retrieve a variable number of recommendations using Round-Robin approach, by default number of recommendations retrieved is 4.
use 2.7.2
Clone this project, and then run:
$cd picking_problem
$bundle install
Using rspec for test files, run:
Require file './lib/article.rb'
If you prefer, you may make a gem using
gem build picking_problem.gemspec
and then install it:
gem install ./picking_problem-0.1.0.gem
When you need to use, require the class file:
require 'article'
Declare a new article object, and initialize with json data defined by archdaily
article =
Call recomendations method, to get filter recommendations
Default number of recommendations is 4 or less, depending of lenght of json data You can modify this number sending the parameter in the recomendations method
Happy testing and code!