
This is the official repository for the Integrating With HubSpot I: Foundations practicum. To work with this repository, please FORK it and then download to your local development environment.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to the Integrating With HubSpot I: Foundations Practicum


This repository is for the Integrating With HubSpot I: Foundations course. This practicum is one of two requirements for receiving your Integrating With HubSpot I: Foundations certification. You must also take the exam and receive a passing grade (at least 75%).

To read the full directions, please go to the practicum instructions.

Put your HubSpot developer test account custom objects URL link here:


  • Commit to your repository often. Even if you make small tweaks to your code, it’s best to be committing to your repository frequently.
  • The subject of the custom object is up to you. Feel free to get creative!
  • Don’t include your private app access token in your repo. We’ll grab this from your test account private app.



  • All work must be your own. During the grading process we will check the revision history. Submissions that do not meet this requirement will not be considered.
  • You must have at least two new routes in your index.js file and one new pug template for the homepage.
  • You must create a developer test account and link to it in your README.md file. Submissions that do not meet this requirement will not be considered.