
Helper to convert things to pdf.

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION



Convert things to PDF. This is a quick and dirty collection of scripts I have grown accustomed to coupled with an inherent lazyness to enter tedious commands. Remember: it is dirty by design.

Currently supports:

  • Markdown
  • HTML

(Ok, it is currently not really Any2Pdf yet... The motivation is clear.)

It uses available tools to do so, it just glues them together.



1. Install requirements

Eg for Ubuntu:

# in case you don't have ruby:
apt-get install ruby1.9.3

# and any other applications
apt-get install pandoc wkhtmltopdf

Eg for Arch Linux: Get pandoc from haskell-core. It requires in your pacman.conf:

Server = http://xsounds.org/~haskell/core/$arch

Eg. for mac

Download the wkhtmltopdf tool from http://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html. Do not use any gems to install wkhtmltopdf because this leads to strange rendering issues.

Then you can:

pacman -S ruby haskell-pandoc wkhtmltopdf

2. Install this app

gem install any2pdf


Read the help

any2pdf --help

Try it

any2pdf test.md

View test.pdf. View test.html.

Try styles:

# have mystyle.css in your folder
any2pdf test.md -s mystyle.css

Try global styles:

any2pdf test.md -s blue

Custom Global Styles

This is for the very lazy (like me). Put your own styles into the installed gem folder under data/, eg:

cd ~/.gem/ruby/1.9.1/gems/any2pdf-1.0.0/data/
touch mysexystyle.css

And now you can use it with either:

any2pdf test.md -s mysexystyle.css

Or just:

any2pdf test.md -s mysexystyle

You can also replace default.css if you like. It's called if you don't use the -s option, eg:

any2pdf test.md

License and Author

Author: Dominik Richter dominik.richter@googlemail.com License: see LICENSE file