
A high performance and easy-use agent provides leader election service.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Election Agent

A high-performance and easy-use agent provides leader election service.

For Developers: Simplify and Centralize Leader Election in Your System.

Unburden your application code with a high-performance and user-friendly agent service for leader election. Eliminates complex implementations and leverages a reliable, centralized service for robust leader selection in your distributed systems.

For System Administrators: Streamline Cluster Management with Efficient Leader Election.

Manage your distributed systems with ease using an efficient agent service for leader election. Election Agent removes the need for intricate client-side implementations, providing a reliable and centralized leader selection mechanism for simplified cluster management.

For End Users: Effortless Leader Election for Your Applications.

Enjoy seamless leader election with a high-performance agent service. Forget about complex implementations – A reliable centralized service handles leader selection effortlessly in your distributed systems.


  • Provides high-performance gRPC and HTTP Rest API service.
  • Provides additional Kubernetes resource discovery API for retrieving the Pod, ReplicaSet, and Deployment relationship.
  • Supports Kubernetes gRPC and HTTP liveness and readiness probe.
  • Supports prometheus metrics.

How To Use


Please refer to Metrics Documentation for details.

Environment Variable

Please refer to internal/config.go for details.

  • Application Settings

    EA_ENV - The environment of the application.

    Defaults to production.

    Possible values: production, development, test.

    EA_LOG_LEVEL - The logging level. Defaults to info. Possible values: debug, info, warning, error, panic, fatal.

  • Kubernetes Settings

    EA_KUBE_ENABLE - Whether to enable k8s service.

    Defaults to true

    EA_KUBE_IN_CLUSTER - InCluster indicates if the application is in or outside the k8s cluster.

    Defaults to true.

  • gRPC Settings

    EA_GRPC_ENABLE - Whether to enable gRPC service.

    Defaults to true.

    EA_GRPC_PORT - The gRPC service port.

    Defaults to 443.

  • HTTP Settings

    EA_HTTP_ENABLE - Whether to enable HTTP service.

    Defaults to true.

    EA_HTTP_PORT - The HTTP service port.

    Defaults to 80.

  • Redis Settings

    EA_REDIS_MODE - The redis server mode.

    Different modes require different URL formats; please refer to the EA_REDIS_URLS for details.

    Defaults to single.

    Possible values: single,cluster,sharding.

    EA_REDIS_PREFIX - The redis key prefix. The lease Redis key will be formatted as [prefix]/[lease name].

    Defaults to ela.

    EA_REDIS_URLS - A URL list of redis server.

    Single mode: The URL format of each redis server is: redis://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db_number>.

    Sharding mode: The URL format of each redis server sharding group is: redis://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>?addr=<host2>:<port2>&addr=<host3>:<port3>.

    Cluster mode: The URL format of each redis server is: redis://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>?addr=<host2>:<port2>&addr=<host3>:<port3>.


Please refer to proto/election_agent/v1/election_agent.proto for details.


rpc Campaign(CampaignRequest) returns (CampaignResult)

Campaign and election returns CampaignResult.Elected=true if successful; otherwise, CampaignResult.Elected=false. The candidate needs to set a proper CampaignRequest.Term in milliseconds.

When a client campaigns an election successfully once, then it needs to call ExtendElectedTerm to extend the elected term for holding leadership.

ExtendElectedTerm rpc ExtendElectedTerm(ExtendElectedTermRequest) returns (BoolValue)

Extends the elected term for holder leadership, returns true if successful, otherwise flase.

The elected leader needs to call this method at intervals to hold the leadership, or the election term will expire after the milliseconds of CampaignRequest.Term

Resign rpc Resign(ResignRequest) returns (BoolValue)

Resign the election, it will revoke the ResignRequest.Election immediately.

GetLeader rpc GetLeader(GetLeaderRequest) returns (StringValue)

Retrieve the leader name of the GetLeaderRequest.Election.

If no existing election is found, it returns an empty string and a NotFound gRPC status code.

GetPods rpc GetPods(GetPodsRequest) returns (Pods)

Retrives a list of pods by GetPodsRequest.Namespace and GetPodsRequest.Deployment.

The pod item represents the relationship of Pod, ReplicaSet and Deployment. This information helps identify which pods are "newer" through ReplicaSet.revision during the k8s rolling update period.

The PodStatus.terminating helps identify whether a Pod is starting to enter the graceful shutdown phase.

Note: The PodStatus.phase will be Running even PodStatus.terminating is true.


Please refer to api/openapi_v3.yaml for details.

Development Information

Setup Development Environment

This application requires Go v1.21+, and it recommends to use Go v1.22 for best performance.

Execute make update-tools to install/update development tools. Or install the tools one by one:

# protobuf tools
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@v1.32.0
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@v1.3.0
# mock tools
go install github.com/vektra/mockery/v2@v2.40.3
# linter
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.56.1

Common & Useful Commands

Please refer to Makefile for more commands.

  • Execute make run to run agent.
  • Execute make build to build election-agent binary.
  • Execute make test to test all test cases.
  • Execute make lint to lint codes.
  • Execute make proto-gen to generate protobuf codes.
  • Execute make mock-gen to generate mock codes.

Deployment Information

Kubernetes Notes

Please refer to examples/k8s folder for k8s manifests.

To make the k8s resource discovery feature works in a k8s cluster. Remember to set automountServiceAccountToken:true in the Pod Spec for mounting service account token. And it requires the following permission:

apiGroups resources verbs
pods get, list
apps services. deployments,replicasets get

The ServiceAccount, Role and RoleBinding manifest example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: election-agent
automountServiceAccountToken: true
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
  name: election-agent
- apiGroups:
  - ""
  - pods
  - get
  - list
- apiGroups:
  - "apps"
  - services
  - deployments
  - replicasets
  - get
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: RoleBinding
  name: election-agent
  apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
  kind: Role
  name: election-agent
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: election-agent

Resource Allocation Recommendation

Test condition: 3000 concurrent clients, 3 Redis nodes.

Performance depends on the number of CPU cores, but performance improvement is not linearly related to CPU cores. The follow table lists the request-per-seconds by CPU cores.

Allocate 1~2 vCPU for a pod is a cost-effetive choice when deploying election agents with multiple replicas.

go-redis verion

CPU Cores RPS Perf. DIff(prev).
1 11535 100% 0%
2 19958 173% +73%
3 24844 215% +42%
4 26904 233% +18%
5 27337 236% +3%
6 27453 238% +2%

rueidis verion

CPU Cores RPS Perf. DIff(prev). Compare to go-redis
1 14001 100% 0% +21%
2 25552 182% +82% +28%
3 36598 261% +79% +47%
4 42735 305% +44% +59%
5 48741 348% +43% +78%
6 51254 366% +18 +85%

For optimal performance, the following table lists recommended memory allocations in a pod for different numbers of concurrent clients.

Clients Recommended Memory
1000 200 MiB
2000 400 MiB
3000 600 MiB
6000 1200 MiB

Example: If the system expects to serve 6000 concurrent clients, and creates a service with 3 election agent replicas. It means one replica needs to serve ~2000 concurrent clients. The recommended memory setting for each pod is 400 MiB


The benchmark/ folder contains the corresponding docker-compose.yaml and grpc/http benchamrk program.

The sample usage:

# up services at first time
docker compose -f benchmark/docker-compose.yaml up -d
# or, start services next time
docker compose -f benchmark/docker-compose.yaml start

# run election agent
make run

# benchmarking gRPC service with 100 clients and 1000 iterations
go run benchmark/grpc/grpc_bench.go -c 100 -i 1000 -h localhost:8080

# benchmarking http service with 100 clients and 1000 iterations
go run benchmark/http/http_bench.go -c 100 -i 1000 -h localhost:8080