
Where I edit my front page to this GitHub repo.

Typing SVG

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forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge forthebadge

🧍 My Origin

🇦🇺 Australian-Born

🇮🇹 Italian Parents and Name


🍫 Meaning: Easter.

💡 Fun Fact: I'm born on Easter!


🏅 Meaning: To strive or excel or rival.

💡 Fun Fact: I strive to make this Github great, get what I did there!


👨‍🦰 Meaning: Red-haired or ruddy-complexioned individual.

💡 Fun Fact: When the weather is really warm, my face goes super red!

🧑‍💻 My Current Technical Skills

My Skills

🖥️ Languages - C | C++ | Markdown | Bash | HTML | CSS

🛠️ Tools - Figma | Adobe XD | Git | GitHub | Stack Overflow

🖼️ Frameworks - WordPress

:atom: IDEs - Vim | Visual Studio | Visual Studio Code

💻 Skills I'm Currently Acquiring

My Skills

🖥️ Languages - Swift | Kotlin | Dart | JavaScript

:atom: IDEs - Flutter | Android Studio

🔥 Database - Firebase

My Skills Connect With Me On LinkedIn

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