
[Demo] Nekogram X public proxy for PC

Primary LanguageGo


It's a demo project. Don't use for production.




原理与 Nekogram Nekogram X 的公共代理一致。

本程序获取的是 Nekogram X 的节点。

如何自行搭建 WSS 中继

需要自行转发 https / websocket (以使用 CDN 为例)

  1. 准备一个域名。如 tg.gov.cn

  2. 根据 这里 的记录,设置相应数量的子域名记录(目前为 8 个)

a.tg.gov.cn -> b.tg.gov.cn -> ......

  1. 开启 CDN 加速,打开 tls 以及 websocket 支持

  2. 按照顺序构造 payload 得到 a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h

  3. 将 payload 进行 base64 编码得到 YSxiLGMsZCxlLGYsZyxo

  4. 构造 WS Relay 链接: wss://tg.gov.cn?payload=YSxiLGMsZCxlLGYsZyxo


English translated by Google

What is this

Backup agent, in case of loss of connection, suitable for computer side.

Consistent with Nekogram X's public agency.

How to setup WSS Realy by yourself

Need to forward https / websocket by yourself (using CDN as an example)

  1. Prepare a domain name. Such as tg.gov.cn

  2. According to the records of here, set the corresponding number of subdomain records (currently 8)

Such as a.tg.gov.cn -> b.tg.gov.cn -> ......

  1. Turn on CDN acceleration, turn on tls and websocket support

  2. Construct the payload in order to get a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h

  3. Encode the payload with base64 to get YSxiLGMsZCxlLGYsZyxo

  4. Construct WS Relay link: wss://tg.gov.cn?payload=YSxiLGMsZCxlLGYsZyxo

The above link is purely fictitious, please do not try to use it.