
Ready to use, fully configured for Go development.

Primary LanguageVimL


Get started with Go development in minutes!

1. Install runtime:

git clone git@github.com:farazdagi/vim-go-ide.git ~/.vim_go_runtime
sh ~/.vim_go_runtime/bin/install

NOTE: You system's Vim configuration will NOT be changed i.e. it is safe to install.

2. Run your newly installed Vim configuration:

Remember that your system's Vim config files remain untouched? During installation .vimrc.go is created. Let's use it:

vim -u ~/.vimrc.go

And btw, nothing prevents you from creation of a handy alias in your .zshrc:

alias vimgo='vim -u ~/.vimrc.go'

3. Setup necessary go tools (godep, gocode, godoc etc):

In order for the amazing vim-go to be most useful, run :GoInstallBinaries from w/i the Vim.

4. End-result:


Yep, that's it!