
Concourse Deployment and Pipelines Setup

Primary LanguagePython

Concourse Deployment and Pipelines Setup

Deploy Concourse

To deploy concourse follow READMEs inside deployment folder.

Setup Pipeline Creator for the first time.

  1. Download fly tool.

     MacOS: https://<CONCOURSE_URL>/api/v1/cli?arch=amd64&platform=darwin
     Linux: https://<CONCOURSE_URL>/api/v1/cli?arch=amd64&platform=linux
     Windows: https://<CONCOURSE_URL>/api/v1/cli?arch=amd64&platform=windows
  2. Put the fly file somewhere in your path

  3. Login to Concourse server.

     fly login --target ak-concourse --concourse-url <CONCOURSE_URL>
  4. Set the pipeline.

     fly set-pipeline --target ak-concourse --pipeline pipelines-creator --config ci/pipeline.yml --load-vars-from private/pipeline-secrets.yml
  5. When pipeline-creator pipeline runs it will go through the list of teams and repositories declared in the file ci/create-teams-pipelines/repositories_list.yml and will set each of the pipelines.

Add a new pipeline from a repository

  1. Locate and open the file ci/create-teams-pipelines/repositories_list.yml.

  2. if you want to add the pipeline into a new team add the following lines at the end of the file.

       - <TEAM_NAME>:
           - url: <REPOSITORY_URL_FOR_SSH_CLONE>
             pipeline_name: <PIPELINE_NAME>
             pipeline_config_path: <PATH_TO_PIPELINE_CONFIG>
             pipeline_vars_path: [ <PATH_TO_VARIABLES_FILE> ]
  3. If you want to add your pipeline to an existing team, locate the team in the file and the repository fields under repositories tag.

           pipeline_name: <PIPELINE_NAME>
           pipeline_config_path: <PATH_TO_PIPELINE_CONFIG>
           pipeline_vars_path: [ <PATH_TO_VARIABLES_FILE> ]
  4. Submit your changes and the pipeline-creator will setup your new pipeline.