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All-in-one toolkit for full-stack, typesafe applications.
Building in public. PR's are welcome.
Get started with the Next Kickstart by running npx next-kickstart
Next-Kickstart is an opinionated NextJS 13 (App Router) CLI toolkit that contains everything you need for developing a full-stack applications.
It includes:
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- tRPC
- Drizzle ORM
- NextAuth.js
- Supabase
- T3 Env
- Tailwind CSS
- ShadCN/ui
- Zod
- ESLint
- Prettier
To initialize a new next-kickstart
application, run any of the following
commands and respond to the command prompts:
npx next-kickstart <folder name>
pnpm dlx next-kickstart <folder name>
For more advanced usage, check out the docs.