
A minimal starter for React with TypeScript support. Utilizes the blazing fast Vite build tool.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A minimal starter for React with TypeScript support with out of the box formatting and linting. Utilizes the blazing fast Vite build tool.


Getting Started

Either use this repo as a GitHub template or use degit to make a clean copy of this repo:

npx degit armanatz/Reactivite#master my-app

After that, navigate to your project folder and install dependencies:

// If using NPM as your package manager
npm i

// If using Yarn as your package manager

Then you can run the local development server using:

// If using NPM as your package manager
npm run dev

// If using Yarn as your package manager
yarn dev

To build your application, run:

// If using NPM as your package manager
npm build

// If using Yarn as your package manager
yarn build

Build files will be located in the dist folder once generated.

Available Scripts

  • format: Formats all files with Prettier.
  • lint: Type-checks all files with TypeScript, and then lints all files using ESLint and StyleLint.
  • preview: Allows for a local preview of the production build of the application.
  • test: Runs unit and integration tests based on file changes tracked in git using Vitest.
  • test:ci: Runs all unit and integration tests in CI mode using Vitest.
  • test:watch: Runs Vitest test runner in watch mode.
  • validate: Runs all linting commands defined in lint, and then runs test:ci for testing.