COMP 20 Spring 2019 Private Repo for Armanc Keser
This repository was created to version control and share the assignments and labs I have done for the class COMP20 - Web Development taught by the man himself, Ming Chow.
I think my favorite assignment was Assignment 3, back-end work really interested me and I thought that Express really allowed me to write some clean code. I also had fun adapting the code to Flask.
Let me say that before this class I had no experience in the web field, and I always wanted to learn what all these words people were throwing around like React, Express, Node, etc. Now, I know what they are, and am really confident in my ability to pick any framework up from scratch. I wouldn't be able to say this before I started the course
- I learnt how important and hard it was to distribute duties to people. Our semester group project showed us how hard it could be to get 5 people together to work on something at the same time. We started using Trello-board which helped us.
- I learnt how fast web development was evolving, thus how important self teaching was. It is not that easy to teach yourself C++, nor is it really modern, however the languages or just the methods of doing something, anything in the web world are countless and I didn't know that before this course. Through doing Assignment 3 and using modules like JOI or teaching myself Flask, I understood how important it was to understand the pros and cons of different styles, and how one could achieve a goal using many different strategies.
I really want to learn back-end, but I have also seen how easy it was to write ugly JavaScript code. I think if I get good on documenting my code and making it efficient, I could be one step ahead of many people. This is why I want to learn how to write elegant JS code.