
Scientific Document Summarization Corpus and Annotations from the WING NUS group.

Primary LanguageTeX


This package contains a release of training and test topics to aid in the development of computational linguistics summarization systems.

The CL-SciSumm Shared Task is run off the CL-SciSumm corpus, and comprises three sub-tasks in automatic research paper summarization on a new corpus of research papers. A training corpus of twenty topics and a test corpus of ten topics were released. The topics comprised of ACL Computational Linguistics research papers, and their citing papers and three output summaries each. The three output summaries comprise: the traditional self-summary of the paper (the abstract), the community summary (the collection of citation sentences ‘citances’) and a human summary written by a trained annotator. Within the corpus, each citance is also mapped to its referenced text in the reference paper and tagged with the information facet it represents. We plan to further enrich this dataset with the AAN metafeatures and other meta-descriptors developed by researchers at DERI, National University of Ireland.

For more details, see the Contents Section at the bottom of this Readme. To know how this corpus was constructed, please see ./docs/corpusconstruction.txt

Stay tuned for The PROPOSED 3rd Computational Linguistics Scientific Document Summarization Shared Task Corpus (CL-SciSumm 2017)

README for The 2nd Computational Linguistics Scientific Document Summarization Shared Task Corpus (CL-SciSumm 2016)

February 29, 2016

This edition of the shared task has ended. We thank the community for their enthusiastic participation! The preliminary results have been published as part of the BIRNDL workshop proceedings. Here is our overview paper: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1610/paper11.pdf

Please read further for details on the Computational Linguistics Shared Task run as part of BIRNDL 2016 workshop collocated with JCDL 2016 - official website hosted at: http://wing.comp.nus.edu.sg/cl-scisumm2016/

To participate in the 2016 shared task, please register your team details at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=birndl2016 >


You are invited to participate in the CL-SciSumm Shared Task at BIRNDL 2016. The shared task will be on automatic paper summarization in the Computational Linguistics (CL) domain. The output summaries will be of two types: faceted summaries of the traditional self-summary (the abstract) and the community summary (the collection of citation sentences ‘citances’). We also propose to group the citances by the facets of the text that they refer to.

This task follows up on the successful CL Pilot Task conducted as a part of the BiomedSumm Track at the Text Analysis Conference 2014 (TAC 2014). It follows the basic structure and guidelines of the Biomedical Summarization Track and adapts them for annotating and creating a corpus of training topics from computational linguistics research papers.
The task is defined as follows:

Given: A topic consisting of a Reference Paper (RP) and upto 10 Citing Papers (CPs) that all contain citations to the RP. In each CP, the text spans (i.e., citances) have been identified that pertain to a particular citation to the RP.

  • Task 1a: For each citance, identify the spans of text (cited text spans) in the RP that most accurately reflect the citance. These are of the granularity of a sentence fragment, a full sentence, or several consecutive sentences (no more than 5).
  • Task 1b: For each cited text span, identify what facet of the paper it belongs to, from a predefined set of facets.
  • Task 2 (optional bonus task): Finally, generate a structured summary of the RP from the cited text spans of the RP. The length of the summary should not exceed 250 words.

Evaluation: Task 1 will be scored by overlap of text spans measured by number of sentences in the system output vs gold standard. Task 2 will be scored using the ROUGE family of metrics between i) the system output and the gold standard summary fromt the reference spans ii) the system output and the asbtract of the reference paper. Again, Task 2 is optional.


This is the open repository for the Scientific Document Summarization Corpus and Annotations contributed to the public by the Web IR / NLP Group at @ the National University of Singapore (WING-NUS) with generous support from Microsoft Research Asia.


This file.


Frequently asked questions on the 2016 shared task including updates to the corpus, annotation format from the previous edition.


README file for the previous edition of the shared task hosted at TAC2014.


A readme detailing the rules and steps followed to create the document corpus by randomly sampling 10 documents from the ACL Anthology corpus and selecting their citing papers.


Describes the naming convention followed to identify annotation files for each training topic in ./data/???-????_TRAIN/Annotation/


Rules followed to resolve difficult cases in annotation. It can serve as a synopsis of the larger annotation guidelines. For the detailed annotation guidelines, please refer to the details hosted at http://www.nist.gov/tac/2014/BiomedSumm/


References for each of the papers for each of the topics, one file per topic.


Directories containing the Documents, Summaries, and Annotations for each topic, one directory per Topic ID.


This directory contains the 10 source documents for the topic (1 RP and upto 10 CPs), one file per paper, in the original pdf format.


This directory contains the source document for the RP of the topic in xml format in UTF-8 character encoding. The file corresponds to the similarly named pdf file in Documents_PDF/. All annotations and offsets for the topic are with respect to the xml files in this directory. All the files were created from the pdf file using Adobe Acrobat.
Note that there were OCR errors in reading several of the files, and the annotators often had to manually edit the converted txt files. Research groups using are free to use alternative parsing tools on the pdfs provided, if they are found to perform better.


This directory contains the source document for the CPs of the topic in xml format in UTF-8 character encoding. Each file corresponds to the similarly named pdf file above.


This directory contains the annotation files for the topic, from 3 different annotators.
Please DO NOT use older annotations; only use .annv3.txt for the 2016 Shared Task.


The summary task (Task 2) is an optional, "bonus" task which participants may want to attempt. This directory contains the two kinds of summaries - i. the abstract, and ii.the reference spans (not citances but the information they referenced in the source paper). Both are extractive summaries. For the developemnt sets we will release in April, we will include a third type of summary - hand-written a nnotator summaries. These would be abstractive.


Given a reference paper (RP) and 10 or more citing papers (CPs), annotators from the University of Hyderbad were instructed to find citations to the RP in the CPs. Annotators followed instructions in SciSumm-annotation-guidelines.pdf to mark the Citation Text, Citation Marker, Reference Text, and Discourse Facet for each citation of the RP found in the CP.

Contact Information

For further information about this data release, contact the following members of the BRNDL workshop organising committee:

This README was updated from README2014 by Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran in Feb, 2016. For revision information, check source code control logs.