
A containerized Python framework for a better Data X development workflow. Where X = Science, Engineering, Analytics, etc.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A containerized Python framework for a better Data X development workflow. Where X = Science, Engineering, Analytics, etc.

The name "Greenhouse" is a metaphor. A greenhouse is a structure made of glass to grow plants despite of external conditions such as a cold winter. Likewise, the Greenhouse framework builds a standalone container for Rust developmet which is fully transparent to the user.

Watch an overview clip on Twitch! 🖥️💜🖥️💜

But what is a template?

py-greenhouse is a GitHub template, not a package. This means that you will work on a copy of this project and you will replace placeholders by code that fits your own purposes.

If you just want to use the Greenhouse template for your new cool Data X or Machine Learning project, please choose the option "Use this Template".

The current version of py-greenhouse uses the Palmer Penguins dataset called via an API (see src/data_sourcing.py). You may use other datasets, coming from different sources, and you may need to setup keys for cloud environment access, all of which are not covered here.

Local OS Requirements

These are requirements for your local machine, ideally a Debian Linux OS:

Follow the instructions in the docker docs to ensure that $USER has root access to docker.

- VS Code

In your local machine:

  1. install VS Code,

  2. install the ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers extension locally,

A pop-up will open up asking if you would like to reload the workspace in the container:

After choosing "Reopen in Container", VS Code will open the "bash" docker-compose service in the greenhouse container, as specified in the manifest .devcontainer.json.

Notice that VS Code will run intilization commands that may take some time to process.

VS Code will already include the ms-python.python extension, without the need to install it in your own local machine. You may add any other extensions that you may need in your Python project in the configuration file .devcontainer.json .

- git

sudo apt-get git

- make

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential

- awk

- tee

- touch

- python3

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3

- pip3

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

- pre-commit

pip3 install pre-commit

In the main directory of the project where there is already a .git/ subdirectory:

pre-commit install
pre-commit migrate-config
pre-commit autoupdate

The main directory may be either the locally cloned py-greenhouse or a project based on the github template.

Alternatively, simply run in the terminal make install-requirements, to install the pre-commit Python package.

- dvc

pip3 install dvc

Do I need to install any other requirements?

No. After installing the basic local requirements described above, you are all set to run everything else inside a Docker container.

Quick Start

This is a template repository. Follow this link for instructions to create a repository from a template.

First, make sure make, docker and docker-compose are installed in your system.

The greenhouse dev work is performed via make commands.

To see the most up to date list of available commands run

$ make help


    make <command>
    Include 'sudo' when necessary.
    To avoid using sudo, follow the steps in


    add-commit      git add, pre-commit, and commit
    bash            bash REPL (Read-Eval-Print loop), suitable for debugging
    build           build image using cache
    build-no-cache  build image from scratch, and not from cache
    docs            show the src modules documentation on the browser
    fastapi         starts up fastapi
    jupyter         access Python through the Jupyter Notebook
    pre-commit      early run of pre-commit git hooks
    python3         access Python through the REPL (Read-Eval-Print loop)
    release         release on dev branch. Be sure to update version.toml before running this operation
    run             run src/main.py
    test            run all tests using pytest (from within the container)

To build your greenhouse (as it is), you first need to run:

$ make build-no-cache

To access Jupyter in your local browser:

$ make jupyter

Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

Next, you simply need to follow the instructions printed out on your own terminal.

In the generic example above, I would paste the following on my browser:


Any changes made in the files within the Jupyter interface, for example saved changes in .rs, .ipynb, and .py files, will be reflected in the original files you store locally, and vice-versa. This is ensured by the fact that the whole greenhouse directory is set as a volume in the docker-compose.yml configuration file.

You may also choose to run code using the REPL (Read-Eval-Print loop) in the terminal by running:

$ make python3

Now, you are ready to start developing Python code by creating new .py files in the /src directory.

During development phase, you can normally test out new code in a Jupyter Notebook.

Check out additional notebooks in the /notebooks directory (.ipynb files with preffix example_).

Greenhouse Structure

├── conftest.py
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── notebooks
├── flow
├── images
├── logs
├── Makefile
├── monitor
├── README.md
├── requirements.txt
├── src
│   ├── data_preprocessing.py
│   ├── data_sourcing.py
│   ├── data_splitting.py
│   ├── eda_monitoring.py
│   ├── feature_engineering.py
│   ├── greenhouse_clock.py
│   ├── main.py
│   ├── modeling.py
│   ├── performance_monitoring.py
├── tests
│   ├── test_data_sourcing.py
│   ├── test_data_splitting.py
│   └── test_feature_engineering.py
└── version.toml


  • notebooks/: notebooks, usually Jupyter Notebooks not in production
  • logs/: dated logs, usually .txt files
  • monitor/: files exported for monitoring purposes (data, model performance, etc). usually .html or .json.
  • flow/: flow diagram as provided by prefect
  • requirements.txt: pip3 requirements for your project
  • src/: source directory for your Python project
  • src/main.py: main file where flow is defined
  • test/: tests of Python code. All tests will run automatically as pre-commit git hooks, in the container.
  • version.toml: information about your project, such as the version number to be used in the git tag pushed to the repo with make release.

Adding External Dependencies

You need to include any external dependencies to the requirements.txt file in addition to the default list provided here.

Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Follow the instructins in CONTRIBUTING.md. Be sure to update version.toml before each new release on the dev branch.