MATH - E - 156 -- Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Software class taught at Harvard. These are my assignments, notes, personal thoughts.
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- Share LaTex makes your life easier than downloading some LaTex editor.
sudo apm install latex --user
- Pandoc requires basictex or mactex
brew cask install basictex
open /usr/local/Caskroom/basictex/2017.0607/
Click on and install
$ which pdflatex $ pdflatex -bash: pdflatex: command not found
Open a new one, however, and you'll find it in /Library/TeX/texbin.
\Last login: Fri Jul 15 08:35:43 on ttys001 \$ which pdflatex Library/TeX/texbin/pdflatex
- You can install pandoc using homebrew:
brew install pandoc
- [}(
pandoc Problem_Set_01--Some_Fun_Integrals.tex -s --mathjax -o problem-set-01.html
python3 ./personal-notes/