Designed for vue 3, do the same work like vue-class-component and vue-property-decorator.
- Community desired vue class component with typescript decorators.
- Safety. Transform ES class to vue option api according to specifications.
- Performance. Once transform on project loading, ready for everywhere.
- Support ES class inheritance, vue
and vuemixins
Welcome to suggest and contribute.
支持vue 3, 提供类似vue-class-component 和 vue-property-decorator的功能。
- 通过TypeScript装饰器实现社区期望的vue类组件开发。
- 安全, 根据规范将ES类转换到vue option api。
- 高性能,仅在项目加载时转换一次。
- 支持ES类继承,vue
和 vuemixins
To discord
QQ群号 766350254
Make your recursive-like functions leave stack overflow.
- Simulate function stack to void stack overflow in recursive-like functions.
- High performance implemented by JavaScript Map.
Event bus JavaScript implementation