
Stackify API for Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby


Gem Version

Stackify Logs and Metrics API for Ruby.

Errors and Logs Overview:


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Installation and Configuration

Requirements: Ruby 1.9/2.0/2.1, Rails 3.x/4.x (optional)


Add the stackify gem to your Gemfile. In Gemfile:

gem 'stackify-api-ruby'

Run the bundle command to install it:

$ bundle

or install it manually:

$ gem install stackify-api-ruby

After you install stackify-api-ruby you need to run the generator:

$ rails g stackify --api_key=your_api_key

The generator creates a file 'config/initializers/stackify.rb' configuring stackify-api-ruby with your API key. You can change default settings there.


For using stackify-api-ruby gem within any Ruby application add to top of your main file:

require 'stackify-api-ruby'

After that you need to make base configuration:

Stackify.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = "your_api_key"
  config.env = :development
  config.app_name = "Your app name"

Optional Configuration

Gem has 3 modes of work - "both", "logging", "metrics". Mode "both" turns on both parts of gem - logging and metrics. If you need ONLY logging or metrics use "logging" or "metrics" mode accordingly.

config.mode = :metrics

If you want to use proxy for sending request, you can do it in such way:

config.proxy = { uri: '', user: 'user_name', password: 'some_password' }

Log API Usage


stackify-api-ruby starts with start of Rails. Every error, which occurs within your application, will be caught and sent to Stackify automatically. The same situation with logs - you just use the Rails logger as usual:

Rails.logger.info "Some log message"

If you want to redefine logger, you should add

config.logger = ::Stackify::LoggerProxy.new(ActiveSupport::Logger.new(Rails.root.join('log', "#{Rails.env}.log")))

to your config/environments/%environment%. Note: in this case Stackify#config.log_level will affect entire system.


After logs configuring you should wrap up your logger:

logger = Logger.new('mylog.log')
logger = Stackify::LoggerProxy.new(logger)

And last thing you need to do - call method "run":

Stackify.run #remember that this call is running in the background of your main script

Metrics API Usage

There are four different types of metrics:

  • Gauge: Keeps track of the last value that was set in the current minute

      Stackify::Metrics.set_gauge "MyCategory", "MyGauge", 100
  • Counter: Calculates the rate per minute

      Stackify::Metrics.count "MyCategory", "MyCounter"
  • Average: Calculates the average of all values in the current minute

      Stackify::Metrics.average "MyCategory", "AverageSpeed", 200
  • Timer: Calculates the average elapsed time for an operation in the current minute

      t = Time.now
      Stackify::Metrics.time "MyCategory", "ElapsedTime", t
      # or
      Stackify::Metrics.time_duration "MyCategory", "ElapsedTime", 5.seconds
  • Counter and Timer: Composite of the Counter and Timer metrics for convenience

      t = Time.now
      Stackify::Metrics.count_and_time "Metric", "CounterWithTime", t

We can configure every metric with settings:

    settings = Stackify::Metrics::MetricSettings.new
    settings.autoreport_zero_if_nothing_reported = true
    # or
    settings.autoreport_last_value_if_nothing_reported = true
    Stackify::Metrics.set_gauge "MyCategory", "MyGauge", 100 , settings

Note, "autoreport_last_value_if_nothing_reported" property has influence only on "average" metric.


If there are problems, you can enable internal logging of the stackify-api-ruby project. Uncomment out the config.logger and config.logger.level lines in the 'config/initializers/stackify.rb' file:

config.logger = Logger.new(Rails.root.join("log", "stackify.log"))
config.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG


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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.