
Strict type system for R

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


Lifecycle: experimental

The goal of purer is to build on the package lambda.r to create a more strict type system for R and corresponding type safe functions. This package depends on lambda.r and purer is designed to work within the functional programming framework provided by lambda.r. Many functions seen in the examples here use exported functions from lambda.r so the documentation for that package should be read first: https://github.com/zatonovo/lambda.r. purer is early in the development phase.


You can install the development version with:



R is a dynamically typed language which performs implicit type conversions liberally. This can be useful for interactive data analysis but makes code written with R less predictable. purer is an attempt to add some type safety to R code.

Here are some examples to illustrate the problem purer is trying to solve.

The atomic vector types in R can have missing or other special values

These are useful in some circumstances but allow bugs to creep in.

is.integer(1L) #> TRUE
is.integer(NA_integer_) #> TRUE
is.integer(integer(0)) #> TRUE

is.double(1) #> TRUE
is.double(NA_real_) #> TRUE
is.double(NaN) #> TRUE
is.double(Inf) #> TRUE
is.double(double(0)) #> TRUE

is.character("a") #> TRUE
is.character(NA_character_) #> TRUE
is.character(character(0)) #> TRUE

is.logical(TRUE) #> TRUE
is.logical(T) #> TRUE
is.logical(NA) #> TRUE
is.logical(logical(0)) #> TRUE

R functions and operators convert types implicitly

1 + TRUE #> 2
1 + FALSE #> 1

1 == TRUE #> TRUE
1 == "1" #> TRUE

mean(c(TRUE, FALSE)) #> 0.5

paste("hello", 1) #> "hello 1"

R functions and operators accept missing or undefined values

1 + NA #> NA
#> [1] NA
1 + NULL #> numeric(0)
#> numeric(0)

mean(NA) #> NA
#> [1] NA

paste("hello", NA) #> "hello NA"
#> [1] "hello NA"

R functions and operators return missing or undefined values

1 + NA #> NA
#> [1] NA
1 + NULL #> numeric(0)
#> numeric(0)

1 == NULL #> logical(0)
#> logical(0)
1 & NA #> NA
#> [1] NA

Vectorized operations recycle vectors in an unpredictable way

x <- 1:3
y <- 1:10

x + y
#> Warning in x + y: longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object
#> length
#>  [1]  2  4  6  5  7  9  8 10 12 11

Having strict “pure” types is the first problem purer solves. “Pure” refers to types that have values that you would expect to be there. No missing values are allowed, as well as no undefined behavior such as Inf, NA, or empty vectors.

purer types

These types replace base integer, double, character, and logical. Scalars are denoted with the type name and vectors with the type name and trailing underscore. The type constructor function will throw an error if the input vectors are not purer compatible.

#> Loading required package: lambda.r
int <- Int(1L) 
int_ <- Int_(c(1L, 2L)) 

int %isa% Int #> TRUE
int_ %isa% Int_ #> TRUE

dbl <- Dbl(1) 
dbl_ <- Dbl_(c(1, 2))

dbl %isa% Dbl #> TRUE
dbl_ %isa% Dbl_ #> TRUE

chr <- Chr("a") 
chr_ <- Chr_(c("a", "b")) 

chr %isa% Chr #> TRUE
chr_ %isa% Chr_ #> TRUE

lgl <- Lgl(TRUE) 
lgl_ <- Lgl_(c(TRUE, FALSE)) 

lgl %isa% Lgl #> TRUE
lgl_ %isa% Lgl_ #> TRUE

Int_(c(1L, NA_integer_)) #> error

These types work with any functions in R just as the base types would. For example, they can be used with base arithmetic operators. This improves code safety to some degree because you can be confident that the input variables are “pure”, but the downside is that the output may not preserve the purer types and the operators don’t check that the inputs are valid types.

# good
Int(1L) + Int(1L) #> 2

# bad
Lgl(TRUE) + Lgl(TRUE) #> 2

purer operators

To solve this problem purer introduces replacements for all base operators, each with multiple syntax options. purer operators and functions use type inference where the acceptable types are obvious. For example, the add function can have two Int types or two Dbl types as inputs. If the inputs are both Int then the output will be Int, but an Int can’t be added to a Dbl. For this to happen one of the variable must be explicitly converted to the other type. For binary operators the .types argument denotes if the inputs are scalars or vectors. Vectorization from R is preserved but it is made explicit.

x <- Int(1L)
y <- Int(2L)

x %+ss% y #> 3
# or
pure_add(x, y, .types = Chr("ss"))
# or 
add(x, y, Chr("ss"))

# Can be used easily with pipe
x |> add(y, Chr("ss"))

# Example of scalar to vector addition
x %+sv% Int_(c(1L, 2L)) #> Int_(c(2L, 3L))

Other operators

See the documentation for other operators but they all follow the same conventions. The inputs must all be purer types and .types declares if they are scalars or vectors. For example here is the greater than or equal to operator.

x <- Int(1L)
y <- Int(2L)

x %>=ss% y #> Lgl(FALSE)

pure_gte(x, y, Chr("ss")) #> Lgl(FALSE)

x |> gte(y, Chr("ss")) #> Lgl(FALSE)

purer functions

purer also introduces replacements for many R base and stats functions. Here is an example of the mean function. The trailing underscore denotes if the output should be a scalar or vector. It should only be a vector in situations where the output is going to be implicitly combined back into a vector, such as any operation in a group_by context.

x <- Int_(1:10L)

pure_mean(x) #> Dbl(5.5)
pure_mean_(x) #> Dbl_(5.5)

If a function doesn’t have a purer replacement, safety can be increased with any R function by following this pattern.

# Find the max of integer vector 
x <- 1:10L

# Regular way
max(x) #> 10

# purer way
x |> Int_() |> max() |> Int() #> Int(10)

# or define purer version of R function
my_pure_max(.x) %::% Int_ : Int
my_pure_max(.x) %as% {
  .x |> max() |> Int()

Int_(x) |> my_pure_max() #> Int(10)

purer tibbles

Operations on vectors in R are commonly done in the context of tibbles or data frames. purer introduces a simple wrapper around the tibble class to make it easy to define tibbles with purer typed columns.

my_tbl <- tibble(
  a = c(1L, 2L),
  b = c(1, 2),
  c = c("a", "b"),
  d = c(TRUE, FALSE)

types <- list(
  a = "Int_",
  b = "Dbl_",
  c = "Chr_",
  d = "Lgl_"

my_purer_tbl <- Tbl(
  .x = my_tbl,
  .types = types

my_purer_tbl |> glimpse()
#> Rows: 2
#> Columns: 4
#> $ a <Int_> 1, 2
#> $ b <Dbl_> 1, 2
#> $ c <Chr_> "a", "b"
#> $ d <Lgl_> TRUE, FALSE

The intended use is to start and end every major data transformation with a Tbl constructor. This acts as an assert statement for the inputs and outputs of a transformation and also ensures all columns are purer types. For example lets say I want to get the average miles/gallon for each number of gears arranged in descending order by average miles/gallon.

mtcars_subset <- mtcars |> 
  as_tibble() |> 
  select(gear, mpg)

# Regular way 
mtcars_subset |> 
  group_by(gear) |> 
  summarize(mean_mpg = mean(mpg)) |> 
  arrange(desc(mean_mpg)) |> 
#> Rows: 3
#> Columns: 2
#> $ gear     <dbl> 4, 5, 3
#> $ mean_mpg <dbl> 24.53333, 21.38000, 16.10667

# purer way
input_types <- list(
  gear = "Int_",
  mpg = "Dbl_"

output_types <- list(
  gear = "Int_",
  mean_mpg = "Dbl_"
mtcars_subset |> 
  Tbl(.types = input_types) |> # input constructor/assert
  group_by(gear) |> 
  summarise(mean_mpg = pure_mean_(mpg)) |> 
  arrange(desc(mean_mpg)) |> 
  Tbl(.types = output_types) |> # output constructor/assert
#> Rows: 3
#> Columns: 2
#> $ gear     <Int_> 4, 5, 3
#> $ mean_mpg <Dbl_> 24.53333, 21.38000, 16.10667

To take this further, the Tbl type can be extended to create custom types for different datasets. Although it takes more work up front this is the safest option and is recommended for production code.

# define input type
Mtcars(.x) %::% tbl_df : .
Mtcars(.x) %as% {
  types <- list(
    mpg = "Dbl_",
    cyl = "Int_",
    disp = "Dbl_",
    hp = "Int_",
    drat = "Dbl_",
    wt = "Dbl_",
    qsec = "Dbl_",
    vs = "Int_",
    am = "Int_",
    gear = "Int_",
    carb = "Int_"
  Tbl(.x, types)

# define output type
MpgByGear(.x) %::% tbl_df : .
MpgByGear(.x) %as% {
  types <- list(
    mean_mpg = "Dbl_",
    gear = "Int_"
  Tbl(.x, types)

# transformation function
transform_mtcars(.mtcars) %::% Mtcars : MpgByGear
transform_mtcars(.mtcars) %as% {
  .mtcars |> 
    group_by(gear) |> 
    summarise(mean_mpg = pure_mean_(mpg)) |> 
    arrange(desc(mean_mpg)) |> 

# convert to Mtcars type
mtcars_pure <- mtcars |> 
  as_tibble() |> 

# transform Mtcars -> MpgByGear
mpg_by_gear <- mtcars_pure |> 

mpg_by_gear %isa% MpgByGear
#> [1] TRUE

mpg_by_gear |> glimpse()
#> Rows: 3
#> Columns: 2
#> $ gear     <Int_> 4, 5, 3
#> $ mean_mpg <Dbl_> 24.53333, 21.38000, 16.10667