spring cloud: microservices-security
- browser microservice has role of frontend, it is make register/login publish wiki requests to zuul
- zuul generate zuul token and send it to register microservice
- register validate zuul token and do registration
- login: auth microservice also receive zuul token validate and after succesfull login service generate auth token and return back.
- with auth and zuul tokens wiki service insert wiki json to mongodb.
- wiki service get user email from auth token and call auth service and validate the user.
- eureka service is password protected and all microservices for connect eureka use username/password.
- Each microservice has doublicated token provider services, an all credentials in yml files.
- zipkin store all traces from microservices in mysql.
http://localhost:9191 (root:root)
The following only builds the images, does not start the containers:
docker-compose build The following builds the images if the images do not exist and starts the containers:
docker-compose up If you add the --build option, it is forced to build the images even when not needed:
docker-compose up --build The following skips the image build process:
docker-compose up --no-build If the images aren't built beforehand, it fails.