
Express.js with mongo a sequelize configs

MIT LicenseMIT


Build a well-organized Express.js project using TypeScript, ESlint, SQL & NoSQL database, environment variables, and more.

Why Express?

Express.js has been around for over a decade. It's easy to learn and minimalistic, but after years of working with frameworks like .NET Web API & Nest.js, going back to Express feels like living in the stone age.   Almost every repository you come across follows a unique architecture, with different coding patterns and a list of libraries, making it a nightmarish learning experience for newcomers. It's hard to find a good project online that fits your needs and at the same time:

  • Uses strict typing
  • Has database set up (SQL / NoSQL)
  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • Well documented
  • Ready for deployment

This project aims to achieve all that. From starter tools to a production-ready product, we'll learn how to build a unified solution that can be easily extensible with new features. With each new chapter, we'll improve upon the previous codebase.

