
Lunar Purchase Limit Addon

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Lunar Purchase Limit Addon

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The Purchase Limit addon for Lunar allows you to define complex purchase limitation scenarios in your Lunar store.


You can define a criteria for each rule. Currently, you are able to define purchase limits for:

  • a specific Product
  • a specific Product Variant
  • a Customer or Customer Group
  • a specific Product for a specific Customer or Customer Group
  • a specific Product Variant for a specific Customer or Customer Group

Each purchase limit rule allows you to restrict either quantity, amount (total sum), or both of them.

Product Purchase Limit Slot

Quick Setup

Install the Lunar Purchase Limit via composer:

composer require armezit/lunarphp-purchase-limit

Run the migrations with:

php artisan migrate


By default, after quick setup, you can start to define purchase limits on products and customers. There is also a detailed installation guide, in case you need more customization.

Detect Violation of Defined Limitations

The package throws a child type of Lunar\Exceptions\Carts\CartException exception, each time a violation of defined limits detected.

Typically, you want to catch these exceptions during create order process:

use Lunar\Facades\CartSession;
use Lunar\Exceptions\Carts\CartException;
use Armezit\Lunar\PurchaseLimit\Exceptions\PurchaseLimitException;
use Armezit\Lunar\PurchaseLimit\Exceptions\CustomerQuantityLimitException;

try {
    $order = CartSession::current()

// catch any CartException
} catch (CartException $e) {

// catch any kind of purchase limit violation
} catch (PurchaseLimitException $e) {

// catch specific kind of purchase limit violation
} catch (CustomerQuantityLimitException $e) {
    // customer quantity limit exceeded

Product Purchase Limit (Slot)

The Product Purchase Limit slot will let you define limitations for a specific product.

In the following example, we have defined limitation rules for product A:

  1. Any customer is allowed to purchase at most 10 units of the product in each Week.
  2. Customers of Retail group are allowed to purchase at most 2000 total sum of the product in Each Purchase. So, for example, if price of product is $500, they can only purchase up to 4 unit of product A in each order.

Product Purchase Limit Example 1

BY default, you will find this slot in bottom of the product edit page. However, you can change this default position in config file.

Customer Purchase Limit (Slot)

The Customer Purchase Limit slot will let you define limitations for a specific customer or customer group.

TODO: Not Yet Implemented !

Advanced Usage


The primary component is Rule classes, which check defined limitations (stored in database) and throw exception if a violation of rule detected.

There are two kinds of rules which implement either CartRuleInterface or CartLineRuleInterface contracts.

Each rule perform only a unique type of checks.

For example, CustomerProductLimit rule only checks purchase limits of a specific customer on a specific product.

While CustomerLimit rule only checks purchase limits of a specific customer on any product, and ProductLimit rules only checks purchase limits of any customer on a specific product; And so on.

These rules are injected into the Cart/CartLine modifiers pipelines.

So, everytime you try to call CreateOrder action, these rules execute one by one and throw exception if detect violation of defined limitations.

Complex Rules

Although there is Hub slots for defining typical limitations, nothing prevents you to compose more complex rules by saving purchase limits directly in database.

Take a look at the PurchaseLimit Model.


In addition, you can extend/modify business logic by implementing CartRuleInterface and/or CartLineRuleInterface contracts and inject them into the modifier pipelines.

After implementing a new CheckVeryComplexLimit rule, add it to the corresponding pipeline in config file:

'cart_rules' => [


'cart_line_rules' => [


Quick Setup covers the essential installation steps. This section, however, is a detailed installation procedure, containing all optional parts.

You can install the package via composer:

composer require armezit/lunarphp-purchase-limit


Optionally, publish the migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="lunarphp-purchase-limit-migrations"

Run the migrations with:

php artisan migrate

::: tip Table names are configurable. See the config file. :::


You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="lunarphp-purchase-limit-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
     * List of rules to check during CartModifier::calculated() hook
    'cart_rules' => [

     * List of rules to check during CartLineModifier::calculated() hook
    'cart_line_rules' => [

     * Automatically register purchase-limit`s cart/cart-line modifiers during PurchaseLimitServiceProvider boot
     * Set it to false, if you want to manually register cart/cart-line modifiers
    'register_cart_modifiers' => true,

     * Automatically register purchase-limit admin hub slots
     * Set it to false, if you want to manually register them
    'register_hub_slots' => true,

     * The name (handle) of hub slot which you want to display product purchase limit component
    'product_purchase_limit_slot' => 'product.all',

    'database' => [
        'purchase_limits_table' => 'purchase_limits',

Translations & Views

Optionally, you can publish the translations and views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="lunarphp-purchase-limit-translations"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="lunarphp-purchase-limit-views"

Service provider

By default, this package automatically register it`s service providers when it is installed.

If for any reason you prefer to register them manually, you should add the package service providers into your laravel application's config/app.php file.

// ...
'providers' => [
    // ...

The PurchaseLimitServiceProvider bootstrap primary package features, while the PurchaseLimitHubServiceProvider is used to register some Slots to be used in Lunar Admin Hub.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.