
🥟 My .files setup for zsh, git and vim on macOS. Also general environment configurations and some automation scripts. Work in constant progress.

Primary LanguageShell


🥟 My .files setup for zsh, git and vim on macOS. Also general environment configurations and some automation scripts. Work in constant progress.

├── README.md
├── dependencies
│   ├── Brewfile
│   └── mackup
│       ├── .mackup.cfg
│       ├── .docker
│       ├── .ssh
│       └── Library
├── environment
│   ├── .alias
│   ├── .bindkeys
│   ├── .exports
│   ├── .functions.sh
│   └── .macOS
├── git
│   ├── .gitconfig
│   └── .gitignore_global
├── runcoms
│   ├── .vimrc
│   └── .zshrc
└── scripts
    ├── reload.sh
    └── symlink.sh