3- run docker-compose exec backend sh -c "python3 manage.py createsuperuser"
for creating admin panel user
4- (optional) run docker-compose exec backend sh -c "python3 manage.py generate_fake_data"
for generating fake data so you can have better testing experience
5- (optional) run docker-compose exec backend sh -c "python3 manage.py test"
for testing the endpoints functionality
Swagger API:
(get: list of apps, post: create new app)
(get: retrieve single app info, put: update selected app info, delete: delete selected app)
by the following url you can run a container from the selected app (using app's id as pk in url)
you can create more than one container from the same app (container name will automatically get changed for preventing name conflict)
use for getting info about running or exited containers (id, name, status, args, started_at, finished_at)
this endpoint will display all the containers which are available in both HOST and the ones which are created by this app (GUEST)