Sparse Convex Optimization


This package solves the Sparse Programming problem described in the paper. The aforementioned paper solves cardinality constrained or penalized optimization problem. The algorithm in the paper works for non-convex objective functions but this repo only implements linear regression and logistic regression loss functions.

All the package dependencies are included in requirements.txt

Sample Usage

The jupyter notebook sample_usage.ipynb walks through a simple case of how to set up a problem and how to solve it.

Experiment reproduction is the code used to generate synthetic problems and solve them via the procedure described in the paper. To run script, type

python --dim 100,30,10 --loss l2 --l2reg constr --l0reg constr --sparsity 0.1 --gamma 1 --lowrank soft --iterate_over rank --param_grid 1,5,10  --save

Look at the module docstring for more information.