A selection of scripts to download WWSG data from the DTP API and DAV API (work in progress) for JOSM import/update preparation
As usual:
python -m venv .venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
Output and results are provided as examples, based on DTP and OSM data as of Sep 20, 2024
Note: There is no sanity checking for missing dependecies, etc. !
Extracts all cat=x geometries from DTP endpoint and produces, supports caching of DTP data to speed up runs during code tweaking Runs for a couple of minutes unless rebuild_cache = False
- ./geojson/cat_18-19.geojson (mostly german alps)
- ./geojson/cat_20-41.geojson (mostly austrian alps)
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname=schongebiete user=postgres" ./cat_18-19.geojson -nln dtp_18_19 -overwrite
-> https://www.xctrails.org/schongebiete/SchongebieteWMSLayer.html
Compares OSM Schongebiete geometry with new geometry (from DTP)
- ./geojson/cat_18-19.geojson
- https://www.xctrails.org/osm/Schongebiete.geojson (downloaded in script, 1:1 from cat_18-19.geojson)
- output/new-areas-josm.geojson as input for JOSM updates (don't re-copy DTP attributes into OSM in that case!)
- shape import/merges in JOSM: see https://www.xctrails.org/videos/JOSM-Shape-Korrektur.mp4
- output/new-areas.geojson with all properties (possibly for new imports - manually check all tags in JOSM !!!)
- osm2dtp_mapping.csv - as input for GenerateJosmScript-DTP_ID.py (only used once)
DTP -> OSM Category 18/19 mapping status report removed and missing areas based on osm_id in DTP data
- cached DTP data
- live/cached OSM data
- ./reports/dtp2osm_report.html
- ./reports/dtp2osm_report.csv"
- ./geojson/cat_18-19.geojson - from DTPAreas2GeoJson.py
- https://www.xctrails.org/osm/Schongebiete.geojson (downloaded in script)
- ./reports/tagdiff_report.html