
NetBox Importer for JSM Assets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jira Asset Importer for Netbox"

This project contains a Forge app written in Javascript that takes a Netbox API endpoint and token as input. It fetches devices from Netbox and imports them into Jira Assets. Data is mapped as per mapping schema.

See developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/assets-import-app/ for documentation and tutorial of this Forge Template, including the documentation of Asset APIs.

Also see Forge Async Events API Diagram for a visual representation of the Async Events API. With the Controller Queue a reference to controller-resolver.js and Worker Queue in worker-resolver.js


See Set up Forge for instructions to get set up.

Quick start

  • Build and deploy your app by running:
forge deploy
  • Install your app in an Atlassian site by running:
forge install
  • Develop your app by running forge tunnel to proxy invocations locally:
forge tunnel


  • Use the forge deploy command when you want to persist code changes.
  • Use the forge install command when you want to install the app on a new site.
  • Once the app is installed on a site, the site picks up the new app changes you deploy without needing to rerun the install command.
  • Pagination is not implemented. One can configure Netbox to return more than 50 records if needed.


See Get help for how to get help and provide feedback.

Improvement Suggestions

  • implement pagination.
  • extend schema to support more DCIM types e.g. circuits and others.
  • rewrite url property after fetch so that link points to UI instead of api endpoint.
  • randomize externalID in schema so that multiple install of the app on same site is possible.

Development Notes

ATM we create the schema.js file out of schema.jsm.json by using.

  1. rm src/schema.js
  2. echo "export const mapping = $(jq -c . < src/schema.jsm.json);" > src/schema.js

Asset schema supports two versions

Testing PUT mapping requires SSL verification.

For whatever reason ngrok needs to be in the node module foldere. I symlink it there

ln -s $(which ngrok) /Users/aza/.nvm/versions/node/v20.10.0/lib/node_modules/@forge/cli/node_modules/ngrok/bin/ngrok