
This test project contains a single testcase to demonstrate what is possibly a Django bug.

Primary LanguagePython

Test project to demonstrate possible Django bug

This test project contains a single testcase to demonstrate what is possibly a Django bug.

We are testing the preference order of translation files in Django. According to the documentation, translations are loaded according to the following:

  1. the directories listed in LOCALE_PATHS;
  2. the locale directories in each installed apps in INSTALLED_APPS;
  3. Django-provided translations.

The project has i18n enabled, and contains the translation for a single string, Active, which has been translated in Italian as Operativo. The folder containing the translation is listed in LOCALE_PATHS and should therefore have the highest preference.

The dependency django-extensions contains a different translation for Active: Attivo; since django_extension is listed in INSTALLED_APPS, this translation should get a lower preference and should not be used.

The test simply runs assert _("Active") == "Operativo" to prove that the translation included in the project takes precedence over the one defined in django-extensions. The test currently fails.

To prove that the translation included in django-extensions is picked, simply comment it out of INSTALLED_APPS: the test now passes.

Interestingly, by removing Plural-Forms from this project's django.po (and recompiling the messages) the test passes. As another hint, if we instead add Plural-Forms to django-extensions's django.po, the test also passes.


# clone
git clone git@github.com:armisael/test-django-i18n-preference.git
cd test-django-i18n-preference

# install deps
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# setup
cd mysite
./manage.py compilemessages

# test #1 KO: the wrong translation is picked
./manage.py test

# test #2 OK: by removing django_extensions from INSTALLED_APPS the correct translation is picked
sed -i /django_extensions/d mysite/settings.py
./manage.py test

# test #3 OK: by removing Plural-Forms from django.po the correct translation is picked
git checkout .
sed -i /Plural-Forms/d locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
./manage.py compilemessages
./manage.py test