
Learning testing in angular using karma and jasmine

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Learning testing in angular with Dave: https://daveceddia.com/testing-angular-part-1-karma-setup/

  1. Install karma and friends. $ npm install.
  2. $ karma init to generate karma's config file karma.conf.js. we use PhantomJS as the browser to run the tests.
  3. Install angular and angular-mocks. Put their paths in karma.conf.js
  4. $ karma start

Writing the first test: Factory

  1. Create the spect file src/greeting/greeting.spec.js
  2. Inject app module and factory
  3. Create a local variable to be a reference to the factory
  4. Bring the app module in using beforeEach(module(moduleName)).
  5. Inject the factory in another beforeEach. the injected factory has _ prefix and suffix. assign this to the variable from 2.1
  6. Write the spec in it() blocks.

Jasmine syntax


  • describe creates a group of tests. It is usually used to create a scenario/use case.

  • beforeEach runs before each test in its block.

  • it - a block of test

  • expect - assertion inside of it block. Should have 1 assertion in 1 test but in some cases it is OK to have more (manipulating data and then verify it).

  • Matchers toEqual and friends.

  • module loads an angular module. used in beforeEach()

  • inject takes a function that will get injected by angular's DI. used to assign injected modules to local variables to be used with the tests.

Part 3: Testing in Angular World


  • test pattern
    1. import the module/service
    2. inject the service (the one to test) in beforeEach. put it in a local variable to use with other tests.
    3. write the tests
  • try to keep one assertion per test to keep the method small. a method should do just one thing.