
Learning to set up an Angular2 project with jspm + TypeScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Learning to setup Angular2 project with jspm and TypeScript, and testing with Karma.

1. Install jspm both globally and locally

$ npm install -g jspm
$ npm install --save-dev jspm

2. Init jspm with typescript as the transpiler option

$ jspm init

3. Install Angular2 and friends

$ jspm install angular2 reflect-metadata

4. Install SystemJS TypeScript Loader

$ jspm install ts

then update config.js file with Usage instruction.

5. Create index.html


	<script src="jspm_packages/system.js"></script>
	<script src="config.js"></script>
  • <my-app></my-app> - App's root component
  • system.js - path to systemjs inside of jspm_packages directory
  • config.js - path to generated config file from $ jspm init command
  • System.import() - importing root component, and have fun.

6. import reflect-metadata in root component

// app/main.ts
import 'reflect-metadata';

Setting Unit Tests

i'll use karma and jasmine.

1. install dependencies

$ npm install --save-dev karma jasmine-core karma-jasmine karma-cli karma-chrome-launcher karma-jspm

2. init karma

$ karma init

karma creates karma.conf.js file. then we'll need to manually update the configurations to make it work with jspm.

// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {

	frameworks: ['jspm', 'jasmine'],

	jspm: {
		loadFiles: ['app/**/*.spec.ts'],      // spec files
		serveFiles: ['app/**/*!(*.spec).ts']  // source files

	plugins: [


the rest can be default configurations.

3. update config.js jspm config file

karma does some weird thing with appending /base path into the url or rresources. i found myself need to update config.js to make systemjs plays well with karma: use base for baseURL if systemjs is used by karma.

another issue i found is that karma does not load TypeScript configurations from tsconfig.json file. so I have to move all configs for TypeScript to typescriptOptions in config.js file instead.

// config.js
  baseURL: (typeof __karma__ !== "undefined") ? "base" : "/",
	typescriptOptions: {
		"tsconfig": false,
		"module": "system",
		"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
		"experimentalDecorators": true,
		"sourceMap": true,
		"target": "es5"

4. "hello world" test

create app/main.spec.ts with a dummy test

// app.main.spec.ts
describe('Main test', () => {
	it('should be true', () => {

and run the test with $ karma start.

random notes taken

  • SystemJS is a dynamic module loader. supports ES6 modules, ADM, and CommonJS modules. works with transpilers.
  • jspm is a package manager built on top of SystemJS. Helpful to bring in modules installed with jspm to use with SystemJS.
  • SystemJS TypeScript Loader is a plugin for SystemJS which allows us to import .ts file without having to transpile them to .js first.
  • I still don't know how SystemJS play with transpilers. I think it will load the standalone version of the transpiler and transpile the modules. yet it doesn't do anything with installtion or setting up those transpilers.
  • In config.js, "transpiler" is set to false so SystemJS will not try to find typescript.js in root path: the plugin will take care of it.
  • sometimes weird problems can be solved by upgrading installed dependencies' version.
  • angular2/testing exports jasmine's globals like describe, it, expect. These functions can be used without importing from angular2/testing though. But if you want to use from angular2, make sure you import reflect-metadata into te tests too.