
A Docker image with `node` and `chromium` installed, to be used with Angular projects on CI environments.

Primary LanguageDockerfileThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A Docker image built from node and node-alpine with chromium installed.

It is made to use with Angular projects for local development and continuous integration with GitLab CI.

It also comes with python installed, in case it is needed to rebuild node-sass dependency's binary from the source code.



  • latest, 11.6.0-alpine (Dockerfile) - an alpine image with Chromium (68) installed.
  • 10.15.0-alpine (Dockerfile) - a version with node 10.


  • 11.6.0 (Dockerfile) - a standard node image with the latest Google Chrome (71) installed.. i think 🤔
  • 10.16.0 (Dockerfile) - same configurations but for node 10.x

TL;DR: If you are using CodecepJS with Puppeteer driver, use 11.6.0. Otherwise, use the alpine version.

The alpine image works with local dev server ($ ng serve), unit testing with karma ($ ng test) on both regular and headless Chrome.

The standard node image (non-alpine version) is created so it can run CodeceptJS E2E tests with Puppeteer driver. The issue was that the alpine image is currently stuck with Chromium 68 and Puppeteer failed to launch Chromium on my E2E tests.


Use node-chromium for local development.

In Dockerfile:

FROM armno/node-chromium:11.6.0

# set the working directory
RUN mkdir -p /app

# add `node_modules` to PATH
ENV PATH /app/node_modules/.bin:$PATH

# install and cache dependecies
COPY package*.json /app/
RUN npm install

# add app
COPY . /app

and docker-compose.yml

version: '3'

    container_name: app
      context: .
      - '.:/app'
      - '/app/node_modules'
    command: npm start
      - '4200:4200'

CI (with GitLab CI)

In .gitlab-ci.yml

image: armno/node-chromium:11.6.0

  stage: test
    - npm install
  script: npm run test:ci


Public Domain

Personal notes

(I have to note this to my future self on how to do these things again).

To make a new image/tag on dockerhub:

  1. create a new branch if needed.
  1. create/update Dockerfile with the desired <NODE_VERSION>.
  2. build the image locally $ docker build --tag armno/node-chromium:<NODE_VERSION> .
  3. push to dockerhub $ docker push armno/node-chromium:<NODE_VERSION>