
create a simple web browser using swift. from an article on lynda.com

Primary LanguageSwift

Create a simple web browser with Swift

from this short tutorial: Build your first iOS app with Swift on lynda.com.

In a nutshell

  1. create new project: Single Page Application
  2. in storyboard, set viewport size to be iPhone's
  3. add a text field, a button, and a UIWebView into the view controller scene (drag from objects library)
  4. update view controller class. create textField and webView properties. create a method didClickGo for the button
  5. back to storyboard. select View Controller > Show the Connection Inspector. drag outlets into storyboard scene (link to matched objects on the screen). (outlet should appears automatically after step 3.)
  6. run!

what i have learned

  • xcode 6 is still buggy. it crashed sometimes.
  • swift code is shorter than objective-c. but not that short. (or simpler maybe?)
  • use storyboard to prototype > create properties and methods for each element in storyboard > map them together using connection inspector > boom.