
Learning WebSockets with Socket.io

Primary LanguageHTML


Learning socket.io by creating a chat application (yeah.. why not? ¯_(ツ)_/¯). This is the very first time I use WebSockets. Based on Get Started: Chat application guide from the docs.


yarn and nodemon should be installed globally.

$ yarn
$ npm start

Random notes taken

WebSockets are a bi-directional, full-duplex, persistent connection from a web browser to a server.

(source: http://socketo.me/docs)

  • There is a persisten connection between client and server.
  • Both client and server can send data at anytime
  • ws:// is the URL schema for WebSockets protocol.
  • WebSockets are language-independent on the server side. There are many implementations of WebSockets in many backend languages. I pick NodeJS.
  • Socket.io seems to be the easiest way to get started. There are also ws and WebSockets-Node which are other NodeJS implementations of WebSockets.
  • $ yarn add socket.io - Socket.io ships with both server and client side libraries.


  • WS server can be created with Express.
  • First we import http module to create a web server from an Express instance.
  • Then we import io from socket.io with created http instance above.
  • io.on('connection') listens for a client's connection. It takes a socket object as a parameter which we can use to listen to messages being sent from the client.
  • A "message" can be a String, ArrayBuffer, Files(Blob), or even Binary data.
  • Server can broadcast a message to everyone using io.emit().


  • Socket.io provides a client library to use in the browser /socket.io/socket.io.js which exposes io object globally.
  • We can create a new socket connection using const socket = io().
  • The ideas are pretty much the same with on the Server:
    • The socket sends data to the server with socket.emit(<EVENT_NAME>, <VALUE>)
    • It also listens to data sent from the server with socket.on(<EVENT_NAME>)

To summarize

  • Server and Client open connections. The connection stays persisten until Client closes the browser.
  • Once a connection is opened, Server and Client can sent/receive data between each other at anytime.



  • created another event named system to display system message (when a user logs in/logs out).
  • client: listen to system event and add a special CSS class name for the message.