
a task manager that allow you to execute command in a web ui

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Task Manager



This is a system:

  • execute command using the http web ui

What does it look like

![screen_shot] (https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3839691/5801983/8eda7b96-a02b-11e4-90f1-66bf28670bc2.png) ![screen_shot] (https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/3839691/5801990/997296ce-a02b-11e4-8405-a33e389356ad.png)

How to run

For those who already have a go environment

  • just clone this project. Tweak the listen port if you like(default is 8085), you'll find it very easy to specify another port in the main func at the buttom of server.go.
  • change dir to the project root.
  • go run server.go
  • visit http://localhost:8085 and check it out.

####For those who dont hava a go environment

  • I have already build a ./server binary for you, but you will not be able to tweak the listen port which is 8085 yet.
  • This binary is build on Linux AMD64 other architecture will not run this binary functionally. And this binary may not kept updated.


├── config
│   └── task.json
├── download
├── README.md
├── resource
│   ├── ksider.keystore
│   └── sign.sh
├── server.go
├── static
│   ├── css
│   │   ├── bootstrap.min.css
│   │   └── fileinput.css
│   ├── fonts
│   │   └── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
│   ├── img
│   │   └── loading.gif
│   └── js
│       ├── bootstrap.min.js
│       ├── fileinput.js
│       └── jquery-1.10.2.js
├── template
│   ├── index.tmpl
│   └── process.tmpl
└── upload  


  • config:
    • stored task.json which defined the task using json.
  • download:
    • place to store the files for user to download.
  • resource:
    • place for programmers to store the script of config stuff needed by task.
  • upload
    • user upload files will be stored here.
  • server.go:
    • the main server program.
  • static:
    • mostly some js/css pulgins.
  • template:
    • the templates for web server.


  • config/task.json used for config task, only configed task could be saw and ran.
  • a sample of config/task.json:
        // short description of the task
        "ShortDesc":"find files in /tmp/", 
        // more detail description of the task
        "Desc": "this is a sample of finding files under the /tmp/ dir", 
        // system command or script or executable program the task should run
        "Cmd": "find", 
        // args list, could using the placeHolder of `$UPLOADFILE$` or `$$Args$$` which will be speicifeid by the next chapter.
        "Args": ["/tmp/"], 
        // progress bar marks generated by program to Stdout.
        // will this program need a uploaded files?
        //indicate whether user input args are needed.
        "ShortDesc":"list files the use specified",
        "Desc": "this is a sample of list files in the $dir user specified",
        "Cmd": "ls",
        "Args": ["$$dir$$","$$additionOption$$"],
            {"dir":"which dir to list"},
            {"additionOption":"some args like -al"}
        "ShortDesc":"cat file",
        "Desc": "just cat the file uploaded",
        "Cmd": "./resource/myCat.sh",
        "Args": ["$UPLOADFILE$"],
        "ShortDesc":"appendDate to txt file",
        "Desc":"this is a sample of modify file uploaded and prepare for user to download",
        "Cmd": "./resource/appendDate.sh",
        "Args": ["$UPLOADFILE$","$UPLOADFILE$.modified"],



  • User upload file will be stored in upload dir.
  • Files to be download and generated by the Task Program should be in the download dir, if you wan't the user to see and download.
  • File which user uploaded could be referred in task.json Using the PlaceHolder of $UPLOADFILE$(there is one dollar sign before and after) but be sure that the Task Program using the right relative path to accessing the uploaded file.
  • If you want user to input args, you should use the PlaceHolder $$args$$(there are two dollar sign before and after) as args and define a map InputArgsDesc to descripe the args you want the user to input.
  • Uploaded file is limited to just one per task yet.
  • User input args could be multi.
  • PlaceHolder $UPLOADFILE$ could be a replacer in the arg list. for example, if a script named modify_upload_file.sh behave that when there is a file a.txt and invoke the script
   ./modify_upload_file.sh a.txt a.txt.modified 

there will be a file named a.txt.modified generated under download/.

In that case Args in task.json could be writen like:


   "Args": ["$UPLOADFILE$","$UPLOADFILE$.modified"],


  • Some samples are given in the task.json by default.
  • Concurrently execution of the same task is not supported yet.