AWS Athena Datasource Plugin for Grafana


This plugin only support viewing Athena result. Doesn't support post query to Athena.

Grafana doesn't support cache the result now, post query when dashboard is open will cause too much AWS cost. So, please post query outside of this plugin.


Follow Installing Plugins Manually steps, and install plugin from released zip file.

Allow following API for EC2 instance, and run Grafana on the EC2 instance.

  • athena:GetQueryResults
  • athena:BatchGetNamedQuery
  • athena:BatchGetQueryExecution
  • athena:ListNamedQueries
  • athena:ListQueryExecutions


Query variable

Name Description
named_query_names(region) Returns a list of named query names.
named_query_queries(region, pattern) Returns a list of named query expressions which name match pattern.
query_execution_ids(region, limit, pattern, work_group?) Returns a list of query execution ids which query match pattern. If a work_group is specified, only execution_ids within that work_group will be returned.

The query_execution_ids() result is always sorted by CompletionDateTime in descending order.


  • Added support for athena work groups to work around the long api call for execution ids
  • Updated the Makefile to use webpack, as well as package.json to use the latest version of babel
  • Properly handle null values in the results of the query by ignoring them
  • Initial release