
Realtime web UI to run against a Meshtastic regional or private mesh network.

Primary LanguageJinja


Realtime web UI to run against a Meshtastic regional or private mesh network.

Docker Image GitHub Release GitHub commit activity


MeshInfo is written in Python and connects to an MQTT server that is receiving Meshtastic messages for the purpose of visualizing and inspecting traffic. It (currently) uses a filesystem to persist content, such as node info and telemetry. There are plans to optionally support Postgres and SQLite3 as optional persistance storage methods.

To make deployment to run an instance for your mesh easy, Docker support is included. We recommend using Docker Compose with a personalized version of the docker-compose.yml file to most easily deploy it, but any seasoned Docker user can also use the Docker image alone.

If you use MeshInfo and have a publicly accessible instance, we'd like to know! Drop a note to kevin@airframes.io with details and we'll link it below.


TODO: Capture screenshots and make a row of clickable screenshot thumbnails here.

Supported Meshtastic Message Types

  • neighborinfo
  • nodeinfo
  • position
  • telemetry
  • text
  • traceroute



  • Chat
  • Map
  • Nodes
  • Node Neighbors
  • Mesh Messages
  • MQTT Messages
  • Telemetry
  • Traceroutes


  • Statistics
  • Overview of Routes


If you're using this and have questions, or perhaps you want to join in on the dev effort and want to interact collaboratively, come chat with us on #meshinfo on the SacValleyMesh Discord.


Docker Compose (preferred for 24/7 servers)


git clone https://github.com/MeshAddicts/meshinfo.git

To Run

Change to the directory.

cd meshinfo
docker compose pull && docker compose down && docker compose up -d && docker compose ps && docker compose logs -f meshinfo

To Update

git fetch && git pull && docker compose pull && docker compose down && docker compose up -d && docker compose ps && docker compose logs -f meshinfo

Directly (without Docker)

Be sure you have Python 3.12.4 or higher installed.

pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py


Building a local Docker image

Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/MeshAddicts/meshinfo.git

If already existing, be sure to pull updates.

git fetch && git pull

Build. Be sure to specify a related version number and suffix (this example dev5 but could be your name or initials and a number) as this will help prevent collisions in your local image cache when testing.

scripts/docker-build.sh 0.0.1dev5


Tag the release using git and push up the tag. The image will be build by GitHub automatically (see: https://github.com/MeshAddicts/meshinfo/actions/workflows/docker.yml).

git tag v0.0.0 && git push && git push --tags


We happily accept Pull Requests!

TODO: Need to rewrite this section.