
JSON-RPC invokable measurer for native applications and the Request Line Interpreter (RLI) interactive client.

Primary LanguageC


JSON-RPC invokable measurer for native applications and the Request Line Interpreter (RLI) interactive client.

How to build the Measurer

Clone a copy of the Measurer:

git clone git@github.com:armoredsoftware/measurer.git

Enter the measurer directory:

cd measurer

Before first build, configure:

make configure-measurer


make build-measurer

Running the Measurer

Launch the Measurer:

make run-measurer PORT=<port>

A new measurer will wait for a client to initiate communication and begin sending measurement requests.

Launch the interactive client:

make build-client
make run-client PORT=<port>

Requests that can be issued to the measurer using the client are described in the RLI documentation

Running the Unit Tests

Build the tests:

make build-test

Run the tests:

make run-test