
This repo is only to store dockerfile and its environment.


name: linnil1/serverbox tag:

  • Base1.0: cuda9.1 + cudnn7 (20180715)

  • Learn1.0: Base1.0 + TF1.9.0 + torch0.4

  • Show1.0: Learn1.0 + User

  • Show1.1: Learn1.0 + User (Update)

  • Show2.0: Learn1.0 + User + VNC + gnome + pcmanfm

  • Base3.0: cuda9.0 + cudnn7 (20180731)

  • Show3.0: Base3.0 + User + VNC + gnome + pcmanfm

  • Learn3.0: Show3.0 + TF1.9.0 + torch0.4 + keras2.2.2

  • Learn3.1: Show3.0 + Caffe2(2018/9/8)

  • Show3.1: Base3.0 + ssh

  • ml2018fall: For 2018ML course

  • Base3.2: python2 + cuda9.0 + cudnn7 (20180921)

  • Show3.2: Base3.2 + User + VNC + gnome + pcmanfm

  • Learn3.2: Show3.2 + Caffe2(2018/9/21)

  • Base3.3: cuda10.0 + cudnn7 + user(20190213)

  • Show3.3: Base3.3 + VNC + gnome + pcmanfm + firefox + pycharm(20190214)

  • Learn3.3: Show3.3 + python3 + TF1.13-rc1 + Keras2.2.4 + Torch(20190214)

  • Learn3.4: Show3.3 + python2 + caffe2 + detectron(20190214)

  • Learn3.5: Show3.3 + python3 + TF1.13.1 + Keras2.2.4 + Torch(20190214) + fastai1.0.45 + sublime

  • Base3.6: cuda10.0 + cudnn7 + user(20190426)

  • Show3.6: Base3.6 + VNC + gnome-terminal + pcmanfm + firefox + pycharm + sublime + jupyter(20190426)

  • Learn3.6: Show3.6 + python3 + TF1.13.1 + Keras2.2.4 + Torch(20190426) + fastai1.0.51

  • Base3.7: cuda10.1 + cudnn7 + user(20190918)

  • Show3.7: Base3.7 + VNC + gnome-terminal + pcmanfm + firefox + pycharm + sublime + jupyter

  • Learn3.7: Show3.7 + python3 + TF2.0.0rc1 + Keras2.2.5 + Torch1.2.0 + fastai1.0.57

  • Learn3.8: Show3.7 + python3 + TF2.1.0 + Keras2.3.1 + Torch1.4.0 + fastai1.0.60

  • Learn3.6.5: Show3.7 + python3 + TF1.14.0 + Keras2.3.1 + Torch1.4.0 + nomacs

  • Base3.9: cuda10.2 + cudnn7 + user(20200509)

  • Show3.9: Base3.9 + VNC + gnome-terminal + pcmanfm + firefox + pycharm + sublime + jupyter

  • Learn3.9: Show3.7 + python3-packages + OPENCV4.3 + TF2.2.0 + Keras2.3.1 + Torch1.5.0 + fastai1.0.61


If you want to build Base1.0.df

docker build -f Base1.0.df -t linnil1/serverbox:base1.0 .

and so on.

Add password with sha512 hash code

usermod -p "$6$xxx$ooo" ubuntu

container.exec_run('usermod -p "' + pw + '" ubuntu')

Necessary file for $HOME

All environment file are placed at default_home, e.g. .vimrc, .bashrc.

Add vnc password

docker run -it -v $PWD/default_home:/home/ubuntu -u 1000 --rm linnil1/serverbox:learn3.7 vnc4passwd

Put all file together

cd default_home
cd ..
move default_home/all.tar ./all.tar

Thus, you can init any folder as homedir by tar xf all.tar.