
A pull-to-refresh library for Android in C#

Primary LanguageC#


Pull To Refresh for Android in C#

Add pull-to-refresh functionality to your Android app quickly and easily.

PullToRefresharp is the only C# library that provides pull-to-refresh functionality to ListView, GridView, and ScrollView on Android. It is simple to integrate with, customizable and extensible.

See it in action here: PullToRefresharp in Action

Simple integration:

Add the support library:

Ensure that your project has a reference to Mono.Android.Support.v4 This allows PullToRefresharp to be compatible with Gingerbread (Android 2.3) and lower.

Update your layout:


        android:id="@id/myGridView" />


Hook into the RefreshActivated event

// Get a reference to the view
var myGridView = FindViewById<PullToRefresharp.Android.Widget.GridView>(Resource.Id.myGridView);
myGridView.RefreshActivated += (o, e) { RefreshMyContent(); };

// when content refresh complete


Out of the box PullToFrefresharp gives you a clean pull-to-refresh header UI and assets. You can change the colors, image assets, or strings via XML attributes, or include your own fully custom header.

If you want to add pull-to-refresh to a view type other than GridView, ListView, or ScrollView, you can! Simply create a subclass of the view and implement the IPullToRefreshWrappedView interface (there's almost nothing to it, all you need to do is write a little bit of glue code to proxy most calls to PullToRefresharp.Delegates.ViewDelegate).

Overriding the stock header is accomplished by adding your header layout to the ViewWrapper, i.e.

        <!-- your custom header -->
    <pulltorefresharp.android.widget.GridView />

Use ptrsharp_header.xml as a reference.

Fork it on GitHub!

PullToRefresharp on GitHub

PullToRefresharp is free and open source software. If there's something you want to add, please do! The goal of PullToRefresharp is to provide a robust pull-to-refresh framework for all Xamarin.Android (and possiby Xamarin.iOS in the future) applications.